Recent content by blues bondsman

  1. blues bondsman

    Scholz 8 ohm 100 watt 12" speakers Sugarcone aka classic

    Just wondering what experience anyone has had with these speakers the Good, The Bad and the Ugly :D I picked up this pair slightly used / NOS Only thing online for the most part deals with controversy over someone using the Sugarcone name Could care less about that ! what about the golden S...
  2. blues bondsman

    Egnater Rebel 20 What a pleasant suprise !!!

    I've tried VHT special 6, Excelsior, and a few other low wattage smaller amps I have found two that seriously impress me First is my 75 Vibro Champ with a Weber speaker replacement, clean sound is amazingly full and sweet a very little hair on the notes and its a tone monster !!!! Second is my...
  3. blues bondsman

    I'm new here and new to Egnater

    I just bought a Tourmaster 4212 and it had issues, I called egnater and talked to Nate, he said ship it and pay for return shipping and we will make it right. Now That is serious customer service !!! Got me looking hard at a Rebel 30 also. I like supporting business that values their...