Recent content by godgrinder

  1. godgrinder

    Best Hair Metal Album Ever

    Since the definition is getting pretty loose it's time for some MASSIVE HAIR.
  2. godgrinder

    Asian bands that kick ass

    Check out Festerdecay too:
  3. godgrinder

    Why Is This Amp Not More Popular Here?

    The drama:
  4. godgrinder

    Metallica wins Grammy

    Or a live version of a really old song. Satch got nominated multiple times for various different versions of Always With Me, Always With You over the course of 20 years lol.
  5. godgrinder

    Narrowing down amp choices for 80s-style Metal.

    Try boost the DSL crunch channel with your favorite od. Nice user name BTW, Randy Uchida rules.
  6. godgrinder

    Kirks new les paul

    Especially when a real 1989 costs a fraction of that lol. Same goes for the Cantrell Wino which was also based on a 90's LPC. However Norlin Silverbursts also used to cost less than the Adam Jones Murphy Lab, but the price of the original went up after the replica came out.
  7. godgrinder

    Wizard vs Splawn

    Get him build you a CCV with all the switches etc.
  8. godgrinder

    Gibson Corporation For Sale (Again)

    Unlikely, Chinese are very keen on Gibson's custom shop models. The Murphy Lab models and Brazilian rosewood models sell very well in China. If anything it might get even more ludicrous and expensive lol. See Anta/Arc'teryx.
  9. godgrinder

    Krank Krankenstein: Yay or nay?

    I have a 50W Rev. I'd set the 3 band EQ at noon and use the sweep control to get to the ballpark of what I'm looking for then use the 3 band EQ to fine tune it. Also I only have the presence control barely on since it turns into a buzzfest very soon. But overall I can get some good tones out of it.
  10. godgrinder

    Orange Super Crush 100: Head or Combo?

    They're slightly smaller and have different speakers.
  11. godgrinder

    Neat idea from JHS. Build your own Klon for $99. No soldering necessary.

    If Bill manage to keep the KTR in production I think most people will still buy his version but he’ve been pretty useless at that.
  12. godgrinder

    New Fortin pedal for y’all to get mad at?

    Hahaha damn. I remember watching a Josh Middleton demo before I bought a VFE Focus.
  13. godgrinder

    Noiseless P90’s

    I just use a noise gate since I use one with humbuckers as well anyway, just need to run the threshold a bit higher.
  14. godgrinder

    Gibson Custom Shop Pickups

    It's actually cheaper than the CB. It's $299 for a set, the CB is $269 EACH. I'd assume it's an USA model than Custom Shop model.
  15. godgrinder

    Reactive Loadboxes in 2023

    For my silent recording workflow I just run a tube preamp into my interface and use an IR loader plugin. One less thing to worry about especially during longer sessions.