Recent content by Intimidator333

  1. I

    Floor based multi fx for in front of amp with minimal tone suck?

    Hi. I’m looking to simplify my rig. Used to run a rack unit with midi controller. Currently in a band that does a lot of opener slots for bigger touring packages and have to set up in front of a whole tour package’s worth of backline as well as have limited setup/tear down time. Looking for a...
  2. I

    NAD - VHT Ultra Lead (Clips and videos)

    Dude that sounds awesome! I just got the exact same amp a few months ago. 1993 non eq. I like a lot about it but still figuring it out. Are you boosting it? What channel, voicing switches, and settings are you using?
  3. I

    Older Pittbull UL 12AX7/12AU7 driver.

    Hi. I just got an older VHT Pittbull UL. It’s the version with 6 preamp tubes, a 12AX7 as the pi and an option for 12AX7 or 12AU7 as a driver tube before the power tubes. Anybody have experience A/B both types? I believe the current versions run a 12AT7 in that slot. Any idea if I can safely run...
  4. I

    Nailbomb: Point Blank - Forgot how sick these tones were..

    Love this album as much as any Sepultura album. Always loved the tones on this album. The info about the ada pre into the 800 seems correct as I knew Sepultura used that combination in that era.
  5. I

    Explorer MM pickguard on standard Explorer

    So I have an 84 Gibson Explorer project in the works and it’s only going to have one pickup at the bridge position. Looking for a pickguard that would cover the neck pickup cavity completely. Would anybody know if a pickguard from an Explorer Melody Maker Work? Or are the body dimensions...
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    Got a post 2011 upgraded tranny version of the Engl Savage 120. This is my 2nd Savage. Every amp I've had since I sold my first one seemed loose and undefined compared to the Savage. So with that said, the fact they upgraded the OT, and the price dude was asking, I decided the newer Savage...
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    Post 2012 Engl Savage 120. How can you tell?

    So I think I'm going to take some of you guys' advice and try the upgraded transformer post 2012 version of the Savage 120. I found one for sale for a good price within driving distance. Guy says he bought it new in 2013. Is there anyway to tell the difference from the older smaller tranny ones...
  8. I

    Engl InvaderI/II Or SE E670?

    After research and owning a Savage I've decided Engl is my sound. At least their type of gain structure. Owned a Savage. Loved it minus the lack of low end girth. Decided I'm probably going to go for an Invader or an SE as they seem to be Engls with a bit more girth. What is everyone's thoughts...
  9. I

    Difference between Marshall GB cab vs. Standard 1960?

    Yeah obviously the speakers. But construction wise, is there a difference between the AX/BX cabs from the regular 1960 cabs? Love the look of a beat to shit greenback cab with the gray grill cloth. Thinking about getting one used and switching out greenbacks for V30/T75's.
  10. I

    Help choosing pickups for Les Paul Studio.

    I have a Les Paul Studio Platinum from 2003 I think. I've read that those do not have the maple top other Les Paul's have. It is tuned to drop Bb. I use it for Neurosis, Tool, Devin Townsend style riffs but going for that Fear Factory, SYL, Meshuggah type tones. I really liked the stock Gibson...
  11. I

    Burnt Chrome Pickup Rings?

    Anybody ever seen any for sale? I've seen a couple threads about people doing it diy.
  12. I

    Peters or VHT UL?

    I've been driving myself crazy and am really stressing myself out over what amp to purchase. I have money saved. It's just a matter of choosing the right one. I've talked to many of you on here about previous amps I've owned. What I like and don't like. I've narrowed it down between getting the...
  13. I

    Railhammer pickups?

    Anyone try these? Specifically the Chisel and Anvil?
  14. I

    Stores in IL, CHI, STL, IA, MO, WI, IN, areas for amps?

    So I've been posting asking about opinions on different amps lately. I really need to just go try some stuff out. I live in Peoria, IL. Looking for some suggestions for stores to try out amps in the Chicago or St. Louis area. Or anywhere a few hours driving distance from central IL. Looking to...
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    Metal guys talk to me about Peters.

    Known about Peters Amplification for a while. Never had any experience with one. They seem to get a lot of praise. How do you guys like them in a down tuned modern aggressive metal context? Tones like Fear Factory, Meshuggah, SYL. Specifically talking about the higher gain models like the FSM...