Recent content by scottsereboff

  1. S

    A nice trade

    Anyone interested in a trade- my Diezel Hagen for a Bogner Uberschall Revision 2 (green)?
  2. S

    Hagen versus Uberschall

    My vote is the Bogner. Opinions?
  3. S

    g Major

    Ordered one from Sweetwater with a custom pedal. What can this group tell me to expect?
  4. S

    EBMM Majesty

    What do you all think of the new Artisan, and the new colors, in the Majesty line?
  5. S

    EBMM Majesty

    What do you all think of the new Artisan, and the new colors, in the Majesty line?
  6. S

    Love my Hagen, but...

    Why is it that the Uberschall has such a deeper, more focused gain??
  7. S

    Looking for a Bogner Uberschall Revision 2 (Green)

    Hello all! I am looking for a Bogner Uberschall Revision Green. I am willing to pay for this head OR trade my Diesel Hagen. If ANYONE can help please let me know! Thanks to one and all.