Recent content by SonicPulverizer

  1. SonicPulverizer

    Aim for Einstein or D-moll?

    I recently got some hands on time with an Einstein and really liked it, more so than the Vh4 I had. That said, they are really hard to find used right now. D-molls aren't. I understand the D-moll addresses/refines the capabilities of the Einstein, and due to different parts have a different...
  2. SonicPulverizer

    Framus Cobra Question

    I just played a used Cobra at a local store. Someone had replaced all the volumes including the 2 masters with chicken knobs (green and purple). I used a seafoam green prs starla and ran it through the cheap peavey cab it happened to be sitting on. What the hell? I know this amp is supposed to...
  3. SonicPulverizer

    More HD300 sounds (use headphones)

    I recently got ahold of an HD300 and was blown away by how great it could sound in a mix. Here are a few sounds (use headphones for best quality): | | | Mix details Guitars: epiphone dot 2004 >HD300> usb to...
  4. SonicPulverizer

    HD300 snippet (rectifier, slo100, /13)

    I recently had my modeler rig go down and picked up a hd300 on clearance at GC. Made some quick patches. I'm pretty goddamn impressed. I layered a rectifier patch and the /13 for the rhythm and stacked on the slo100 for lead. The bass used the fliptop model. Drums provided by...
  5. SonicPulverizer

    How to get the most out of a semi-hollow, high gain

    So I recently acquired an old cherry Epiphone dot, all stock. I am currently transitioning from a traditional backline to using FR solutions (Hd500>QSC K12's >FOH). I tested the guitar through the new rig and it handles higher gain incredibly well for what it is. That said, the sound is...
  6. SonicPulverizer

    Gibson Les Paul Traditional Pro II

    So apparently they are shipping out the new traditional pro soon. The guitar basically gets upgraded with all the neat stuff that was on the 2012 standard (save for the phase switch), gets a new 'super 57' pickup, and an alpine white model. I'll try and get a hands on with one of these soon and...
  7. SonicPulverizer

    AxeFX Ultra --Port city 2x12's

    Been researching the AxeFX and found this clip. One of few that really excited me. Not really a BTBAM fan though. Nor sure why the audio is so quiet, it wasn't before? HL3R7zDgRqQ
  8. SonicPulverizer

    How to properly share a pedal board with your backup amp

    Let's say I've been running two stiletto ace combos live (one for backup). I've only made use of a delay and a tuner up until now. New material has me throwing on multiple delays, a harmony man, a wah, etc etc. and now im left wondering how i would quickly and appropriately switch my pedal board...
  9. SonicPulverizer

    Question about the Mesa Rectoverb/Tremoverb combos

    Is there a reason these things are so suspiciously cheap? I've seen a ton of them for the 500-700 price range. The heads, however, have fetched as much as 1200 making it more in the price point of other used rectifiers. Do the combos have reliability issues? And while we are on the subject, how...
  10. SonicPulverizer

    Fender HR Deluxe + Carl Martin Plexitone

    Stumbled upon this video tonight. Mind is Melted. The beginning of the vid is him just playing the deluxe clean. He hits on the first stage of the carl martin and my jaw just dropped--great low gain plexi vibe. He continues on in the vid for a while adjusting the guitar volume and the level on...
  11. SonicPulverizer

    Anyone here ever gig'd with a soldano astroverb?

    I played one today and really liked it. I noticed that it started to lose a lot of definition as i turned it up to gigging volume. I mean, it still sounded gnarly it just wasn't as crisp and it seemed like the lows were getting lost no matter how I eq'd it. Has anyone gigged with this amp? would...
  12. SonicPulverizer

    Mike Squires (Loaded)'s Bogner Shiva. Is this a good deal?

    Went into GC today to play a lp custom there and was surprised to find a very ragged looking bogner shiva in the platinum room. This thing was wrecked, I mean Haggard as all get out. The tolex was destroyed, the grill had very apparent stains all over it and the footswitch was mostly black from...
  13. SonicPulverizer

    Budgeting for a touring rig

    I'm under a budget of about 5000 bucks and I cant decide whether or not to skimp on the amp or the guitar side of things. The only effects I use are reverb and delay so building a pedal board is a non-issue especially if the chosen amp had onboard reverb. Playing contemporary rock music, nothing...
  14. SonicPulverizer

    57 les paul vos goldtop

    Played one today in GC Seattle... Ghosts... all i can say is ... ghosts, man. Its like gibson trapped the spirits of guitar players past in these things. Best guitar I've ever played. I played an R8, a white custom, and a new blue jean custom pro next to it. '57 had next level mojo-- blew the...
  15. SonicPulverizer

    Mesa Boogie RA-100

    Originally posted this in the amp review section but at the request of another member I'm reposting it here. Foreword Saw this down at GC in Seattle (westlake) and took it for a spin. I've been dying to try one of these after seeing some more recent clips. I know a lot of people (including...