Recent content by soundchaser59

  1. soundchaser59

    How To Pick The Right Amp?

    I finally had a chance to actually play 3 or 4 Egnater amps in a store here. I had always wondered what they would sound like, plus I'm impressed by the fact that Keith Howland, guitarist for Chicago, swears by the brand. I love the sounds I was getting!! I think there were two Renegades, a...
  2. soundchaser59

    Rivera R55 Adjustable Boost Mod - Both Channels!

    If you visit this link, you can see and hear how these boost mods were done. R55 Boost Mods
  3. soundchaser59

    Mini Rec Ghost Note?

    I was tweaking my mini rec last night, no pedals, just guitar > amp > Weber Texas 10 speaker in a ported cab. I was fine until I switched to modern mode, then every time I hit the low D note (5th fret A string, or 10th fret E string) I would get a very loud ghost note 1 octave down. The tone...
  4. soundchaser59

    Manual for Rivera Knucklehead 55 non-reverb?

    I cannot find one online at all. I can find the manual for the KH Reverb and KH2, but not the original KH55. Rivera says if I buy new tubes from them they can match and I wont have to open it up to rebias. But I'll spend probably $60 bucks more for the set. If I buy my own tubes, then I'll...