Recent content by xXDaveyJonesXx

  1. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Hines Archtop - Bitch'n Builds!!

    I've had a build of Gary's for a while now, and every time I take it out of the case, I just can't help but gawk at it, absolutely stunned. I realized that I haven't posted any proper pics here. Which is criminal, especially since it was a few fellow members here that introduced me to Gary in...
  2. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Rest In Peace Roy Clark

    Legend... QhiKgeJV3k0
  3. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Evertune in a Les Paul?

    I know - aesthetically, they're ugly as sin. No arguing that. But my larger concern is the routing that is required, which seems pretty substantial. Have any of you who converted your LPs to the Evertune system experienced any detriment to your guitar's tone?
  4. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Axe Palace BKP Price Drop

    Right on!! :rock:
  5. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Marty Friedman: Engl Inferno Sig Amp

    Any takers?
  6. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Suhr: Stripes and Drips / Stevens and Thorn

    aaawwww yeah! :rock: LYEhvRPvOHg
  7. xXDaveyJonesXx

    JRE: James Hetfield

    I haven't dug into it yet, but figured some of you might get a kick out of it. Enjoy. 5O6QPTawR14
  8. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Heads Up: 20% Discount on Fryette

    Fryette is offering 20% discounts on select heads and cabs, namely CL 100 / 50 heads and fat bottom / deliverance cabs with coupon code Pittbull20 at checkout in their online store. Not sure how long it'll last, but here's a link...
  9. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Seattle's The Guitar Store: Stolen Guitar

    Scumbags on the run. Locals, keep an eye out for a black Fender Jazzmaster. Serial #MX16723164 You can get a look at the thief's faces around 01:10 into the security video. Dude bolts while his lady hangs back, clinging to the clerk preventing him from chasing the POS down...
  10. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Pete Thorn Demo: Friedman BE-OD Pedal

    Of course, stellar quality recording and playing Mr. Thorn always spoils us with. And this thing sounds le-git. :rock: I'm sold. I just wanna see how it cleans up on guitar volume. NVotKbmlDic
  11. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Face Melting Surh MS7

    Something about 7 stringers in general really throws me off. Always have. But I'm down with this beast. Looks like Suhr rounded up good ol' Uncle Ben to lay down some Meshuggah-esque riffage for us. :rock: HwXzsh2cm1Q
  12. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Fryette/VHT ultra lead or sig x

  13. xXDaveyJonesXx

    PRS just can't hack it, bro

    How can you not love Fluff. And how cool of Mr. Smith. mgT_zZcKqz8
  14. xXDaveyJonesXx

    RIP Pete Traynor

    They say Mr. Traynor has moved on. :aww:
  15. xXDaveyJonesXx

    Good Deal With guitarded_1

    Bought a set of Blackdogs from him. Good communication. No bullshit. Quick shipping. 0.47Ω tolerance. Just the right amount of lead and it's always a good day when mounting hardware is included. Sings like the heavens and growls like a beast. That's the sound I know and love. Would deal again...