New Kerry King music.

not horrible, not great. think i would have liked to hear something a little different than Slayer, feel like ive already heard the good version of this song on the slayer albums.
It's essentially Slayer with a guy singing in Araya's style. So yeah, it's a great Slayer song. Good on Kerry for still bringing the riffs. It does sound like he actually " tried" to play a lead that made sense though. So in that sense, this is not like Slayer
I'd be interested in hearing Kerry try to do stuff different than what Slayer did for like the last 30 years of their existence, and instead do something more along the lines of Show No Mercy era mixed with different influences. Granted I haven't heard the song yet, but from the descriptions I'm reading it'll sound like most post-RIB Slayer does to my ears. (No offense to Slayer/Slayer fans at all.)
I like Bostaph but just hated the drum sound. Sounds like software overlayed on the snare, or just a horrible use of compression. The song itself…I dunno, honestly didn’t listen to the end. Kinda got boring. It sounds like he doesn’t really have anything creative to say but wants to keep the life going of being a pro musician. I get it. It’s been his whole adult life, but the well seems to have been dry, long before Slayer even disbanded. It’s a generalization and maybe not accurate but more and more I feel the loss of Hanneman killed the writing balance, the chemistry that made great Slayer songs. I have no ill feelings towards Kerry but he needs a good writing partner who has a different enough take that something great is made when they combine their powers for evil…☺️
Not bad... Better than I expected. I dont get the Bostaph hate. He killed it in Forbidden and Exodus, doesnt seem to mesh with Slayer.

I know his first album with Slayer was slapped together at several different studios and production lacked, but he's a killer drummer. Of course, Lombardo made Slayer, Slayer.. But I'm a fan of Bostaph.