Morley Humno noise eliminator any good?


New member
Is this a joke or is there something to this ?
My rigs not that loud but I want to filter as much extraneous noise as possible without killing my tone.
I’m not a metal player but a lot it what I play crosses into metal territory and the gain gets pretty high.
I started looking at gates, like the NS2 and then the Decimeter G string, and now finally the ISP technologies Hum Extractor + G string ..
I’m probably gonna buy the Hum Extractor + G string .. unless someone can convince me otherwise but I am curious if this little morally hum now ..
Is it something I should consider ?
$100 seems absurd for this
Is this a joke or is there something to this ?
My rigs not that loud but I want to filter as much extraneous noise as possible without killing my tone.
I’m not a metal player but a lot it what I play crosses into metal territory and the gain gets pretty high.
I started looking at gates, like the NS2 and then the Decimeter G string, and now finally the ISP technologies Hum Extractor + G string ..
I’m probably gonna buy the Hum Extractor + G string .. unless someone can convince me otherwise but I am curious if this little morally hum now ..
Is it something I should consider ?
$100 seems absurd for this

It's an isolation transformer on the ground to prevent ground loops. It also helps filter out any noise in the AC line So, if you are having ground loop issues, it may help.

It's not a replacement for a noise gate type pedal.
Depends if it’s a gain issue or a power issue. If it’s a power issue the Morley hum will solve it. Gain issue a gate is the way. I run both because my power here is kind of sucky.