Bass anyone?

Simon Dorn

Active member
Actually i wanted to record a little "scooped" clip with my Marshall. I think it sounds as vintage and as ultra modern as it gets at the same time - not to say timeless, but i was surprised how good the Bass sounds, even with a Pod Go. Bass tones seems to be less of an issue with it. I'm not a fan of Modellers anymore, but with Bass you can get away with 'em. Who of you has a Bass, or more?
Yes. I bass.

I used an SVT through an 8x10 with three mics on it the other day to track for a project. I'm a Spector player through and through, and used my Forte 4 to record.
I played drums a few years. Then bass for a year or two before focus on guitar. I have always had a bass around. I do some writing on bass and keyboards. Currently a Warwick Corvette.
ToneX is the only digital I own. Works fine with bass.
As for amps THD BiValve with KT88 or Mesa Heartbreaker in blackface mode into a 2x12 with EVM12L cab.

I should probably go through my pedals and see what works. Compression and fuzz, etc... RAT is interesting with bass.
I've lost track of what bass gear I own (juggernauts fault,every bit of it is his fault). I know the mesa cabs are mine, and I have some basses. I even got a Lemmy Ric copy. And a Darkglass Alpha Omega head I haven't seen in years...ok,it's not juggernauts fault I haven't seen it but it's his fault I bought it. As is the vintage Hamer bass. And the G&L. Yep...I'm blaming juggernaut because it's easier than taking personal responsibility for my actions.