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  1. M

    Dave -VL Hex thoughts?

    Dave, curious if you've used the voodoo Hex for anything you've put together lately and your thoughts on it?
  2. M

    anyone midi switching their pedalboard?

    presets etc. I've had a bradshaw in the past, I like having presets for complicated sounds that take a lot of tap dancing, but with switchers, controller getting much smaller I'm considering trying it on my pedal-based board. anyone already doing this with the musicom etc?
  3. M

    Dave, thoughts on the GCX.

    Hey Dave, wondered what your thoughts were on the gcx switcher. ie: sonically, build quality, grounding issues, reliability etc.. is the RJM effects gizmo really $400 better? taking into consideration you can find a GCX for $300-$350 and (just looked) the RJM goes for $699. thanks
  4. M

    marshall 8008

    anyone have or tried a marshall 8008 stereo power amp?