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  1. C

    I visited Chicago Music Exchange - LES PAUL HEAVEN!

    I took a trip to CME and was blown away. Where I live you can't find historics to actually sit down and play with. Nearest dealer with 50s reissues is a couple hours away and I don't know if they'd let you play them. Nearest GC has a couple standards and if you want to play one it's a hassle...
  2. C

    best advice for cheap powered monitors?

    Looking to get something that will do the job but still be cheap.
  3. C

    modeler foe under 1k?

    I'm torn between the eleven rack and an axe fx. I need something under 1k for a complete system. My primary use will ve just to play at home through my pc so I don't have to keep cranking my recto at home and losing ny hearing. I just want decent tone at bedroom volumes. Recording would be a...
  4. C

    After spending nearly 3 weeks in Germany...

    it's time to get back to business With a little help from some of my souvenirs I brought back, of course :rock:
  5. C

    is the duncan distortion darker than the duncan custom?

    flat out hate the custom. I'm waiting the arrival of my DD in the mail, really hoping it's darker than the custom. In my LP, the highs are just fucking piercing. I can't EQ them out without ruining any decent tone this POS can produce.