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  1. H

    50 vs 100 watts

    Just wondering what people prefer, tone/feel-wise, and why. Also wondering what guys think is the actual difference, tone/feel-wise. Bring it!!🤟⚡️🎸
  2. H

    Plexi through V30s. Yay or nay?

    Recently played my Bray 4550 through my 412 that has GBs and V30s. Killer tone. Busted out my SL68, tried it through same cab. Penis became erect. I bring this up because I’ve heard guys—some whose opinions I respect—say plexis and V30s don’t get along so well sometimes. Not my experience so...
  3. H

    “Tone is in the fingers” my ass. (RANT)

    Does this phrase bother anyone else? I broached this topic on another online forum and was surprised at the response. * * * * I gotta get this off my chest. Lemme get on the soap box for a minute. When we’re discussing shit like GBs vs V30s, Strats...
  4. H

    Stage volume

    I started a similar thread on another forum but I’m curious what you guys think. How do you like to dial in your shit live? I’m especially curious about volume. Do you like being at a level comparable with the drums? I mean the actual level from your rig, not monitors. Or would you rather turn...
  5. H

    School me on the Bray 4550

    Anyone who owns one or spent time with one; how are they?