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    Sold: MXR Carbon Copy Analog Delay

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    Pickups for Jackson SLSMG

    I want to replace the stock EMG HZ pickups on my Jackson SLSMG with possibly a Duncan JB. Does anyone know if I need regular or F-spaced pickups? Any other issues with this possible replacement?
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    New year guitar solo jam

    Well, it's obvious. The first thing I do in the new year is ... wait for it ... play guitar! Enjoy! Happy new year! :m17:
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    Rip in Mesa 4x12 grill cloth

    I've been looking at used Mesa Rectifier 4x12 cabinets and found one used at Guitar Center. It sells for $599 before tax and has a rip the size of a quarter on the grill cloth. I spoke to them about reducing the price or having it fixed for me, but they refuse to do either. I realize that it is...
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    Guitar Solo Tab: Joseph Magazine

    Hello folks! New to the forums here! Just figured I'll start by sharing a transcription of the guitar solo in Self Examination which is a song by Joseph Magazine. It was quite instructive to tab something out in Eb-major. :D Here's the video I used to figure it out...