Search results

  1. H

    What Amps do you Regret Selling?

    Had a LazyJ20 that was cleaned up/modified by Lyle Caldwell. Perfect ~25 watt amp Otherwise, I've sold maybe a hundred more, most of them amazing amps, and don't regret selling any of them - I think a person should be able to get by with 2-3 amps
  2. H

    NAD 1971 Superlead With Clip

    Nice, sounds great I had a 71 back around 2009 - bought and sold for around $1500 o_O it had 2 extra holes in the back but otherwise clean I could never turn it up past 2 ... very loud and very bright
  3. H

    Do people not know how to haggle anymore?

    I get that a lot and have never been rude even though I've always had the urge. Usually I'll just drop it $25-50 if it's less than $2k.
  4. H

    Do people not know how to haggle anymore?

    Ironic. Sounds like OP just wasted some guy's time...
  5. H

    Stolen gear and next steps

    Sorry to hear. What kind of lock did you use?
  6. H

    59 conversion only $1495

    That flame (n)
  7. H

    Picked up a new delay pedal today

    I just found out about the Halo this weekend. Sounds like a great 2nd or 3rd pedal, for more of an ambient thing. I'll probably grab one this summer. I just got a Belle Epoch Deluxe and a T-Rex Replicator D'Lux to mess around with first. Also just got a Strymon Big Sky that sounds like it can...
  8. H

    Fulltone going out of business..

    Wow drama Never owned a Fulltone product but I'm hoping they make more of the Hi Mu. Just listened to some clips.
  9. H

    Looking for an amp similar to the CA Triptik 2

    It's crazy you would almost never see the common production models for sale pre-owned for more than $2k The amount of amp you get/got for that price was insane. You could easily get an OD2 for ~$1500 - a hand-wired channel switcher designed & built by a proper engineer.
  10. H

    Looking for an amp similar to the CA Triptik 2

    Did you try to post a WTB ad on thegearpage? Sometimes seems like a long shot, but sometimes you'll be surprised I put a WTB ad for a CA Texas 50 and found one in a day. And, apparently there were only 20 made lol
  11. H

    Whats the craziest thing you've seen at a concert!!

    I was at a show when I felt something on the back of my leg. A guy in a wheelchair was tapping my leg so I would move to let him through the crowd with his friends. 10 minutes later, this guy is crowd surfing in his wheel chair. There was probably like 100 people at the show.
  12. H

    NGD - 59 Dirty Lemon Les Paul

    Nice. I have a poorly finished "dirty lemon" - doesn't really look dirty lemon. The previous owner, who had the clone built wanted a Greg Martin CC look. Very very very thin finish i.e. no clear coat. I tried to smooth out the finish with wet sanding and a few strokes took the finish right off...
  13. H

    Is this now the Rig Talk Casino Thread throwdown? LOL

    wtf just happened? loll also - doesn't look like there is a captcha for registration?
  14. H

    Best sounding metal amp you’ve ever played…

    Metal metal: Diezel VH4 at UltraSound Rehearsal studios in NYC An amp that could do most metal but other things i.e. what I would buy if I wanted to cover metal: Mesa Mark V
  15. H

    What are your favorite neck pickups ... and why ?

    1) Purple wire PAF/early patent no 2) Alan Dingwall humbuckers 3) Throbak Love the vintage sweetness, chime - and if you're lucky - the vocal tones
  16. H

    What's in your pickup drawer?

    Throbak PG102
  17. H

    My Vintage 30 pile - Where is the line between enthusiasm and insanity?

    I think they are pretty consistent with the difference being how broken in one is. imo, they're great for that one specific sound. A Silver Jubilee and V30s is like peanut butter and jelly. Forget about pristine, bell-like cleans though
  18. H

    I see a lot of new faces here

    I have 29 posts but have been here since 2015, not sure if that counts as a new face? :cool: Haven't posted much because most of my interest is in vintage type gear and Dumble clones and this forum seems more modern.
  19. H

    How Old are Ya Guys?

    Late 30s. Been selling/buying gear since 2007 and meetups for gear transactions have almost always been with grey haired guys throughout that whole period. Probably because all the gear I've been involved with was vintage (mid-late 60s for amps) or vintage reproductions (plexi clones, Les Paul...
  20. H

    If You Could Have Only One Guitar, What Would It Be?

    luthier built Les Paul