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  1. BenoA

    Mesa Boogie MINI RECTIFIER does Mozart!

  2. BenoA

    New Mini Rectifier rocks!

    Hey guys, it's been a while since my last post here. Been terribly busy. Just got a new Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier a few days ago. Very good deal and quick shipping from The Guitar Shop (no affiliation with them, just giving them the credit) I would have thought that the new Mini Rectifier...
  3. BenoA

    Guys, my right hand (picking) is feeling damn weird!

    Hi guys, I don't know if this is normal and I'm curious to know if anyone here has gone throught such weird situation. It started about a year ago. At that time, I had been using Jazz III picks for a while and suddenly, these picks started to feel weird between my picking fingers (thumb and...