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  1. Metalhex

    New Kiesel Amps

    Hey, now, watch it!! (I like ketchup with my steak) 😄 🤣
  2. Metalhex

    Mick Thomson (Slipknot) Fishman Fluence Pickups Signature Series | Playthrough

    I'm glad they put the cleans at the end of the video where they belong lol
  3. Metalhex

    Most overrated amp ever... pick 1!

    I had the GM40 once and sold it. I regretted selling it. I wanted to like it so badly because it's like an all in one amp which I love the convenience. So I thought I'd buy the BlackSpirit200 instead. It's pretty much the same exact sound and feel as the GM40, and it's just too flubby overall...
  4. Metalhex

    Shred guys, your .02 please

    But if my mechanics/technique is wrong to begun with, then I will steadily get more proficient at using a poor technique. If I had someone there next to me to correct my wrist angle, or pick angle, or arm placement, or whatever...then I know that I'd be starting off the right way. Whenever I...
  5. Metalhex

    Shred guys, your .02 please

    I need tablature that shows the up/downstrokes, because when I watched countless videos (Troy Grady, etc...) it's like yeah, I know that string hopping is bad, but I never was shown the right way. Then other people say, "well X worked for me but might not work for you" and vice versa. So I...
  6. Metalhex

    Shred guys, your .02 please

    I wish this worked for me. I find myself string hopping but I don't know how to break free from it. I start overthinking it then I get discouraged and walk away from it...never ever getting better at it.
  7. Metalhex

    Bootlegger guitars?

    No I haven't. Have you ever looked at the headless models from Rondo guitars?
  8. Metalhex

    Gibson have lost their minds 🤣

    Can you imagine having not only one broken neck on arrival but two?
  9. Metalhex

    Randy & Ozzy You Said It All

    Have you not listened to any of Yngwies albums up until Facing the Animal including his Concerto Suite?
  10. Metalhex

    Randy & Ozzy You Said It All

    The first 3 guitarists with 2 records each (I stop caring after No More Tears, though recognize there were some good songs later, but just a different era). 2 records from each guitarist all equally great in different ways.
  11. Metalhex

    Tone Reminder Green Day

    Exactly me too. I was raised on Beatles and country music because I didn't know anything else. I didnt have something i could call mine yet (my own musical interest). My father made me aware of Green day when a video came on TV for their first time and I was blown away. I went out and got the...
  12. Metalhex

    My local Sam Ash is closing :(

    I'm probably too young to know those places in their hey day. But I remember starting out guitar as a kid and the orange location being a pretty decent siz3. I do remember seeing an orange and black Lynch stripe model on the wall or something similar.
  13. Metalhex

    My local Sam Ash is closing :(

    Yes it was!
  14. Metalhex

    My local Sam Ash is closing :(

    Maybe East Coast Music Mall in Danbury will open up again. 😄 🤣
  15. Metalhex

    My local Sam Ash is closing :(

    If all Sam Ash and Guitar Centers were to close, there would be literally nowhere to buy and try gear in person since most mom and pop shops are gone already.
  16. Metalhex

    Any PRS players here? Opinions?

    I've had numerous PRS SE models and they were all fantastic. Used to be able to pick them up used for $300 all day.
  17. Metalhex

    NEW PRS SE CE 24 Standard Satin - $499!

    I think its worth trying out for sure
  18. Metalhex

    Amps that sound unique

    Hughes and Kettner Black Spirit 200. No other amp sounds like this one (except for maybe the Grandmeister series. By the way I have for sale if interested).
  19. Metalhex

    Yngwie Style Shredding.

    Yeah it's almost not even close