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  1. Jccobb2

    Need help with my Bogner Ecstasy Pandora

    For what music? I’ve got a 101B that’s hard to make sound bad.
  2. Jccobb2

    Griffin Analog : RT Self Esteem Booster : Pedal Giveaway : We have a winner !!

    Dumb question, but is that big knob a level control in the front?
  3. Jccobb2

    Griffin Analog : RT Self Esteem Booster : Pedal Giveaway : We have a winner !!

    Sick! Still think a simpler version of this would be awesome in a dual pedal.
  4. Jccobb2

    NGD - 2020 R7

    She’s a beaut Clark!
  5. Jccobb2

    50 Watt Friedman Jake Lee

    This is interesting, I like the brighter voicing of the J.E.L. circuit over traditional Friedman amps. The 20 watt wasn’t what I was looking for but a 50 sounds great. IG link
  6. Jccobb2

    What attenuator(s) are you using for your NMV amps these days?

    PS2A is a modern classic. The new St Rock Raect IR II is very good as well and comes with the ir loader and everything else. Worth checking out.
  7. Jccobb2

    Favorite revisions/model of amps

    I have a rev1/green uberschall that is probably my favorite amp to date. It’s an absolutely monster for rock and non-djenty metal. Surprisingly versatile when you keep the gain below 1000 and ride the volume knob too. Also the bogner trick of diming the volume and using the gain knob for volume...
  8. Jccobb2

    Captor X or Ox for better results?

    The v2 is great, recommend you grab one before they realize they need to double the price. He’ll you can use it straight into your PC for recording via USB. The attenuator is icing on the cake
  9. Jccobb2

    Any Worthy "Upgrade" from the Suhr RL:IR?

    Here you go what you were looking for
  10. Jccobb2

    Any Worthy "Upgrade" from the Suhr RL:IR?
  11. Jccobb2

    Any Worthy "Upgrade" from the Suhr RL:IR?

    Impedance curve for the v1 looked really good. Based off the list of what changed it’s probably the same. Feels about like the real amp. If I was blindfolded I’d probably not be able to tell the difference. A bit of squish but that could be because I’m playing the Uber green.
  12. Jccobb2

    Any Worthy "Upgrade" from the Suhr RL:IR?

    It jink for what you want you are going to have to buy multiple units regardless of the solution
  13. Jccobb2

    Favorite attenuator

    I have not. It had good reviews though which was enough to take a chance on the V2
  14. Jccobb2

    Any Worthy "Upgrade" from the Suhr RL:IR?

    stereo out isn't useless, it has full stereo routing. you can take a single amp in and have different IRs for left and right. you can also route the l/r feeds through stereo digital effects either in your DAW or out via stereo outs.
  15. Jccobb2

    Favorite attenuator

    Just got the St Rock react II. The attenuator is great, smooth knob sweep instead of clicks. Combined with the other features this thing is impossible to beat at the price point.
  16. Jccobb2

    Any Worthy "Upgrade" from the Suhr RL:IR?

    I just got the st rock react II. It’s too early for a glowing review but initial impression is very positive. It’s a reactive load that does stereo with different IRs in each channel if you want. It also has an attenuator that can run at the same time as the xlr out to a cabinet so you can feed...
  17. Jccobb2

    EVH 5150iii EL34 50W - Just the red channel

    What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
  18. Jccobb2

    Uberschall non-detachable power cord

    My uberschall is older and has the non-detachable power cord. The bottom center prong (ground I believe) on the cable head is missing. Was this normal? Has anyone had one of these either repaired, or upgraded to one of the new detachable cords that are in all bogner amps now?
  19. Jccobb2

    Some more Griffin Analog OD's

    Still think adding a boostable echoplex preamp circuit as an option with those would be amazing. I’d be in for a bb preamp with echoplex pre
  20. Jccobb2

    Tell me about the Suhr 2x12 cabs. Good?

    I think the Bogner OS 2x12 is the best I’ve used. Closed back with V30s or a V30 / GB mix is killer for high gain