Every Diezel model basic rundown

Anyone care to add more details / correct me? Just basing off my experience owning a couple of Diezels and comparing clips online and others comments.

VH4 - classic Diezel sound, compressed, aggressive, hi-fi like clarity
Einstein - like VH4 but fatter, rawer, more vintage i.e. open, bit more loose in low end
Herbert - more polished than VH4, but more aggressive/thunderous and huge low end. ideal for super low tunings
Lil Fokker - ??? like VH4 but brighter and more upper mids ???
D-Moll - similar to Herbert but lower wattage, maybe more versatile too
Schmidt - simple vintage style amp, but still retains classic Diezel sound
Paul - improved schmidt
Big Max - single channel with huge gain range. cleans to almost high gain. again classic Diezel sound but more vintage style take
Hagen - somewhere between VH4 and Herbert
VH2 - ch1 from Paul / ch3 from VH4. although not identical to VH4 but quite close, slightly refined vs VH4 ch3
VHX - can probably get very close to most Diezel amps with all the various modes

Don't think I missed anything? Not counting that little SS toy. Think a proper lower watt VH is coming soon?
only channel 3 and 4 of the VH4 is what i would call compressed.

from the supposed Vh4, Hagen and herbert settings on the VHX and owning a herbert:
the vh4 has the least amount of bass in the front end.
then herbert then hagen.
this makes the VH4 the tightest and to me the distortion also sounds smoother with less bass in the frontend. so to me this sounds more polished😅
Has anyone actually A/Bed a VH2 and a VH4?

I've never played a VH4, but I have the VH2 which is supposedly more refined/compressed, but I can also max the gain on Ch1 and add an OD pedal and its sounds like a more open Channel 2 of the the amp.
Agreed, I’d add the Herbert is right behind it.
I have a vh4 as well but I truly love my Herbert mk 1way more . But I know Vh4 is the favorite. I have a Herbert mk 3 and 4x12 FL CAB. So I’m definitely a fan of Diezel to this day