Fender tone master pro switching channels in 4cm in Diezel Herbert ?


New member
I have a Diezel Herbert (mk2) which I tried using a Boss ES8 switcher years ago, whereby I was using 4 cable method for front end and loop end effects while trying to control the amp head with midi from the ES8 as an all in 1 solution.

This never worked (waste of time and money) and no one here seemed to be able to do it either, the herbert would not respond to midi signals from the ES8 to change channels whatever I did. Diezel customer service also didn’t know the answer as they won’t comment on a 3rd party product most likely

My official diezel Columbus board is now broken (will raise separate issue) so I need to come up with a new solution rather than get a new one or have this repaired (my amp tech could not repair it).

Question :- Can the fender tone master pro (TMP) control my amp channels on the herbert within a preset, via midi, if I choose to do so etc? Similar as the ES8 should have been able to do, but couldn’t

I’d like to use 4cm whereby I have effects either in front of the amp or in the FX loop, and also run some models in the clean channel so the rig would be super diverse; But would still like to use the Herbert’s crunch channel generally and use the TMPs effects in the loop as if they were on a rack tray etc, and switch channels on the fly in addition to effects etc. doesn’t seem like I’m asking too much as the herbert is meant to be midi controllable! And the TMP is meant to be the latest tech

Essentially, I’m trying to get rid of my pedalboard and Columbus now as I’ve had enough with tap dancing and having all the issues with dozens of cables and power solutions, and just shove the TMP in front and in the loop and have an all in 1 solution with no mess/hassle.

I also emailed fender the question but I doubt they will be able to comment on its usability with a specific amp.

Many thanks all.
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You should check the TMP's manual: if it can send Program Changes, it should be able to control the Herbert.
‘Should’. The Boss ES8 also Should control the herbert in that case

But it doesn’t

Fender replied to me and noted that right now, it won’t. But in future firmware updates, it might, keep an eye out.

Going back to traditional switching solutions and will make a new thread
Hi Donting101, I don´t know what all this midi pedals send out on midi data. I cannot buy all :)
It only needs to send a simple PC and no other midi data. We will have a new Columbus MK2
pedal during the next year which also can do CC´s. Best, Peter.