Guitar Harmonies


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Looking for a little help with guitar harmonies. Are 2 part harmonies usually 3rds or 5ths or something else? Whats the best (easiest) way to find the harmony line? I remeber reading something from Dimebag when he said he would simply play the same thing a few frets down and then change the notes that didn't work.
Diatonic Harmony - Harmony that stays in key. The fingering pattern will be different.
3rd and 5th are popular. If you were playing a G major scale starting on 3rd (G) fret on the low E. A 3rd would play the same scale but the starting note would be the 7th (B) fret while continuing up the scale.

Chromatic Harmony - Harmony that plays the same shape but starts on a different note. (The Band "Death" used Chromatic harmony allot)

in Metal Chromatic 4ths and 5ths are popular

Here a good video on building harmony
racer X was famous back in the 80's for diatonic harmonies, you can research the old youtube videos of racer x playing live to get an idea of how that sounds - it is all over the street lethal album/CD as well.
yup, diatonic harmonies. you don't have to live by just 3rds or 5ths. throw a 4th in there where it makes the position stand out. play with it until it sounds right which is basically what the comment about dimebag above was
study Thin lizzy and you will be on your way.

3rds are very typical and it is okay to deviate from strict diatonic and add some tension to the harmony, i like to build off of 3rds and then let my ear guide me to sweet notes that add tension here and there.
And for an over the top dose, check out Becker and Friedmans Cacophony stuff, insane harmonies. Also Vinnie Moore's first disc, wicked harmonies all over the place.