Key of C - a quick theory guide for guitarists.


New member
I did this up for a guitarist friend a while ago, thought I'd share.

OP: I agree that everything that you posted here is exactly correct for the key of C Major, and should be helpful to many.
Very nicely done!! :thumbsup:
Thanks, everybody.

More than once, my job has been to 'crash-course' people on theory. Are there any other topics you'd find something like this valuable for?
It is best guide for the guitarists. All the theory and supported key and chords display here so easy to guitarist and get the e-books for the key and chords.
My little daughter has just started her guitar classes and this will be a real help for her to understand her notes better!! I have taken a print out of this to present to her and I am sure that she is going to really love learning from this simple guide – great work and of course, we would like more like this one!!
Thanks, everybody. I'm doing some more work on this at the moment... but it's going to have more 'steps' to it. Like this one, it's going to strive to be easy to digest. I'll let you know when it's done cooking. :)
I'd love to see the result of what this is leading up to. If there's more where this came from, I'd buy it and start the guitar all over again from the ground up- with a healthy dose of theory. Especially if you touch on pitch axis. Good stuff!