Melodeath - Final master


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My Melodeath band is in the final steps of mastering. There're 3 different versions: Old Master, Chris Mix 1, Chris Mix 2. Which one would you pick?
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I'm not crossreferencing anything, but master 2 than 1. The first one the guitar tone is shot. In either case, it sound alike it was mixed by a guitar player. Consider lowering the guitars and raising the vocals.
Hard to say but I’d lean toward the old master.
I feel as though master 1 and 2 has a top end boost, more compression and louder but at the expense of clarity.
All 3 masters sound good however.
I listened back and fourth a few times trying to focus on different instruments, The cymbals in particular sounded a bit more washed out.
The old master sounds a little darker but has more separation.
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On a second listen through on my Yamaha HS8 (first was BD DT990 Pro) I like the drums more on Chris Mix 2, but maybe it's just psycho-acoustic.
I'm listening on a phone so....... yeah.

Chris 1 for sure. I'm also a guitarist and metal is guitar music. It's the only mix where I could hear each note clearly. Didnt seem over powered either.
the old master i think is the best sounding, because it sounds the best as a whole, even though the kick drum is way too much and the guitars are a little quiet.

the drums arent as overpowering in the others, and the guitar sounds better in master 1, but unless you were doing an entire remix of it I would suggest the old one sounds the best.

Honestly, the music sounds great, and is very well written. But I would add some more rhythm tracks to the guitar sound.
Like, layer an hm2 or metalzone or Valvestate style tone to make it a bit wilder and give it some more personality- blend that with the tone you've got going on

all in all, very cool, reminds me of a more concise version of autumn leaves circa "as night conquers day" but with a more nodtveit vocal delivery.
I like Chris Mix 1 the best, sounds more polished than old mix and is more "present" than mix 2, but maybe it's just louder.


that one sounds like its polished pretty well without being harsh on the ears

the other too sound a little two muffled and yes I do think the rhythm guitars volume needs to be lowered