MI Audio Megalith Beta- Quick Playthrough


Well-known member
I tried to capture the low end thump of the amp above all, so there is a little more bass then I would typically go for in a recording- in person at least, I have not found an amp that has the room shaking lows that make this amp so unique- I tried to record a video and my webcam kept on falling from the vibrations.

Oh- forgot to mention- Left side is Creamback H75 through a sm57 and Right side is Redback through a SM7B
I tried to capture the low end thump of the amp above all, so there is a little more bass then I would typically go for in a recording- in person at least, I have not found an amp that has the room shaking lows that make this amp so unique- I tried to record a video and my webcam kept on falling from the vibrations.

That's one pissed off tight sounding amp. Are these things out of production?
That's one pissed off tight sounding amp. Are these things out of production?
I got mine used- I've heard he kinda disappeared on people, but I wasnt buying amps at the time so I can't confirm this- definitely aren't available right now new.
Best sounding clip I’ve heard from you. Amp sounds insane, wish they were available. How does the empire compare to this?
I really appreciate that- I’ve found learning to mic cabs to be a challenge haha

The empire is very different- somewhere closer to a granophyre- the mi beta has stupid amounts of of sub lows that nothing else has- it shakes the room on palm mutes. The wizard has a different type of punch in a higher frequency range. Empire has its own sound though- Draven’s video on YouTube captures the sound well
First clip I heard to give a sense of what the Beta is capable of. Nice job! I'll have to also learn this stereo method. One of my friend's complained actually about some recent classical clips I showed him all being mono and sounding thin. We gotta hear the Hell Razor and Hermansson now like this and I'll have to get around to trying to do so also
First clip I heard to give a sense of what the Beta is capable of. Nice job! I'll have to also learn this stereo method. One of my friend's complained actually about some recent classical clips I showed him all being mono and sounding thin. We gotta hear the Hell Razor and Hermansson now like this and I'll have to get around to trying to do so also
Means a lot coming from you! Maybe I'll do a video comparing all the amps I have with this mic style- definitely not moving the mics from this position based on the feedback ive received.
All I did is one speaker and mic hard left and one speaker and mic hard right!