Noob needs help with new pickups, pots, whatver.


New member
I have an RG prestige with stock everything, id like to get some new stuff for it to make it better.

I was thinking Dimarzio Steves special/ Air Norton setup?

And what else can i do to the guitar to make it better?
Changing pots can change the tones of the pickups. Fortunately, Dimarzio lists which pots work best with given pickups on their site.

You might consider a boost of some sort if you like that, a treble or mid boost for leads.

Frankly I think the RG prestige is a solid guitar already, pickups should be enough IMHO.
I think I would just do the pickups (unless the Dimarzio tech recommend a different kind for the pickups you change to).
Changing pots will change the tone if you change the value of the pot...lower-darker, higher-brighter. The changing the value alters the load on the pup and does change it's response characteristics slightly too. Changing cap values in the circuit can also have some slight effects on the tone/eq.

I agree...pups will prb be enough to breathe new life into the guitar. Personally, I usually replace pots when swapping pups anyway (especially on older guitars) unless I know the existing ones are good quality and should be reliable for a reasonable period.