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Decided I wanted to A/B my new (to me) Marsha against a QR since I've always liked the Splawn...I figured if the difference was minimal, I'd sell the Friedman, buy the QR, and have a nice sum of $$$ left to play with. I've played this particular QR at my buddy's music store a few times and knew that I liked it so that's where we did the comparison. Both amps were played through the Splawn 4x12.
It took very little time to understand why the Marsha is worth the money you pay for it. Although the QR is a great sounding amp, I was shocked by how much bigger, deeper, and more 3D the Marsha was when played back to back. The Marsha's notes just seemed to have this depth and swirl to them that's hard to describe, but easy to hear. The QR can have a harshness to the high end that you really have to dial out whereas that trait simply doesn't exist with the Marsha (although if you dime the treble and presence it can sound pretty ratty...just don't do that). No signs of flub in the Marsha's low end at all, even with bass and mids dimed. The clean channel was also more complex than the QR cleans, but I didn't spend too much time on that comparison.
Overall, the Marsha was clearly superior to the QR tonally...a QR owner who was present was in full agreement. I still think the QR is a cool amp, but now I understand what all the Marsha hype has been about. It simply has that "extra 10%" that most other amps don't have.
If you've been on the fence about this amp, get off it and place your order.