New member
I know there are some threads out here already, as well as plenty of info throughout the web regarding shopping for Les Pauls. Much of those have been helpful. I'm starting my own thread so I can get that personal touch on my research that I know y'all are dying to give. So if y'all can handle yet another thread on someone researching Les Pauls, here ya go...
The most important factor for me is to avoid any of the body drilling Gibson has been doing the past couple of decades (according to this thread). Weight-relief Swiss cheese? No thanks. Chambered bodies? Hell no. If I wanted semi-hollow, I'd but an ES (or just find one in my closet!)). I'm man enough to take the extra wood without vaginal hemorrhaging. That being said, I either need an expensive-assed reissue, or an LP made before 1982.
What's the biggest difference between Customs and Standards? I'm under the impression that it's just cosmetics. Either way, I'd prefer a Custom because they look like buttery tone sex to me.
And how about Kalamazoo? Anybody wanna rant about that? My understanding is that once the Nashville plant opened in '74, the luthiers in Kalamazoo continued to make the higher-end Gibsons. I'm under the impression that they tried to make theirs superior to the Nashville axes in hopes of proving themselves indispensable to the company.
I haven't brought myself to the point of giving a damn about original pickups and all that. Maybe I should care, but I like new shiny pickups that are ridiculously hot. I'm hopeful that I can find an LP that someone else has already molested the value out of the electronics so I can get a better deal.
We all know that Gibsons are notorious for Headstock repairs. I discovered this back when I was shopping for my SG. I'm under the impression that they can be damn solid, but I always shy away from those. Any experiences there?
By the way, what's the deal with people censoring the serial number in online ads for their guitar? Do they think I'm gonna print it out and sell it to someone else? There's a lot that can be understood about the guitar given the serial number.
I appreciate everyone willing to put up with another thread on LPs and entertain my search. Don't assume that I've found all the threads on LPs here, so feel free to post those up as well. Thanks!
The most important factor for me is to avoid any of the body drilling Gibson has been doing the past couple of decades (according to this thread). Weight-relief Swiss cheese? No thanks. Chambered bodies? Hell no. If I wanted semi-hollow, I'd but an ES (or just find one in my closet!)). I'm man enough to take the extra wood without vaginal hemorrhaging. That being said, I either need an expensive-assed reissue, or an LP made before 1982.
What's the biggest difference between Customs and Standards? I'm under the impression that it's just cosmetics. Either way, I'd prefer a Custom because they look like buttery tone sex to me.

And how about Kalamazoo? Anybody wanna rant about that? My understanding is that once the Nashville plant opened in '74, the luthiers in Kalamazoo continued to make the higher-end Gibsons. I'm under the impression that they tried to make theirs superior to the Nashville axes in hopes of proving themselves indispensable to the company.
I haven't brought myself to the point of giving a damn about original pickups and all that. Maybe I should care, but I like new shiny pickups that are ridiculously hot. I'm hopeful that I can find an LP that someone else has already molested the value out of the electronics so I can get a better deal.
We all know that Gibsons are notorious for Headstock repairs. I discovered this back when I was shopping for my SG. I'm under the impression that they can be damn solid, but I always shy away from those. Any experiences there?
By the way, what's the deal with people censoring the serial number in online ads for their guitar? Do they think I'm gonna print it out and sell it to someone else? There's a lot that can be understood about the guitar given the serial number.

I appreciate everyone willing to put up with another thread on LPs and entertain my search. Don't assume that I've found all the threads on LPs here, so feel free to post those up as well. Thanks!