WCR Godwood


New member
I've had this thing installed for a few days now. I have gone through a Motor City Afwayu, BG Bucker, Burstbucker 3, Dimarzio Norton, Pearly Gates, and Classic 57+.

The Godwood is the perfect pickup for a Les Paul IMO........and its not even close when compared to those above. I've never been instantly blown away by a new pickup, as they all seem to be very similar with only minor differences. The Godwood has its own thing going on, and it is definately a good thing.

Thanks to Jim Wagner for his excellent customer service and superior product :rock:
troublehead":mfw2fyff said:
I've had this thing installed for a few days now. I have gone through a Motor City Afwayu, BG Bucker, Burstbucker 3, Dimarzio Norton, Pearly Gates, and Classic 57+.

The Godwood is the perfect pickup for a Les Paul IMO........and its not even close when compared to those above. I've never been instantly blown away by a new pickup, as they all seem to be very similar with only minor differences. The Godwood has its own thing going on, and it is definately a good thing.

Thanks to Jim Wagner for his excellent customer service and superior product :rock:

Well you have very good ears. I was at the pickup shoot out the first day. The Godwood was the best overall sounding pickup to my ears. There were pickups there for specific applications, but if I had to pick one pickup for everything it would be the Godwood.
I have a Godwood set in my PRS Singlecut SE...yeah, I know not the best guitar out there...but, it sure does make it sound great. Btw, I think something a little brighter, like a Darkburst in the neck would probably work better.
All of Jims stuff is good.

I like the Darkbursts, Godwoods and Iron Man's.

allot of people like the crossroads, but they were not for me, not as "girthy".
FixXxer":2e678p6v said:
All of Jims stuff is good.

I like the Darkbursts, Godwoods and Iron Man's.

allot of people like the crossroads, but they were not for me, not as "girthy".

What's your favorite combination in a LP style guitar?
se7en":222mwp7f said:
FixXxer":222mwp7f said:
All of Jims stuff is good.

I like the Darkbursts, Godwoods and Iron Man's.

allot of people like the crossroads, but they were not for me, not as "girthy".

What's your favorite combination in a LP style guitar?

For an LP. Godwood bridge, and I go between the Crossroads neck or Darkburst neck.

I also like the Iron man in one of my customs. HEavier than any other non active pickup I have tried.

The good thing about Jim is he is no BullSh!t. YOu call, place the order, and your done.

No drama, no excuses, no page long screwed over customers, etc.
The WCR Godwood is a perfect Les Paul pickup. Wait till you track a record with it. Insane tone. Jim is a genius with guitars, the guy knows his shit and he's a good dude who ships on time and answers the phone every time you call.
I didn't like either WCR Pickup that I had (Shredder, Iron Man) but Jim was extremely cool to deal with and has excellent customer service. :yes:
droptrd":eqcvwf1o said:
I just ordewred an Afawayu set for my prs. How do they compare to the Godwood?

+1, I would like to know this as well. I have the Afwayus in my LP right but have always been interested in the Godwoods.

I bought the Godwood-Darkburst combo set for my PRS Singlecut and it is the best pickup combo I have ever heard!!!! I also had a set of Afwayu's and they sound good but WCR's are on another level!! I have never had a set of Tom Holmes but I cant see them being better than Jim's pickups!! Jim is also just a great guy, and he really has a passion for tone!!!
gbsmusic":3nepmhsg said:
I bought the Godwood-Darkburst combo set for my PRS Singlecut and it is the best pickup combo I have ever heard!!!! I also had a set of Afwayu's and they sound good but WCR's are on another level!! I have never had a set of Tom Holmes but I cant see them being better than Jim's pickups!! Jim is also just a great guy, and he really has a passion for tone!!!

I have two sets of Holmes pickups installed in guitars, two sets of Throbacks, several sets of Crossroads, Darkbursts, Iron Man, a Godwood, etc. WCRs are every bit as good as Holmes and Throbacks. I've tried them all in various guitars. There is nothing magical about Holmes or Throbacks - they are very very good, but you can do just as well with WCR. Holmes to me are fatter, less bright. Throbacks less girth, more PAF flavor, more bright. WCRs - well you have every tone at your disposal depending on the pickup. He has a talent for winding to the sound of the namesake - zeroing in on THE tone through the winding patterns. If you get the Crossroads, know you're getting Crossroads. Darkburst is Duane in the studio. Fillmore is Duane at the Fillmore. Etc.

I do think the Godwood is the most insanely amazing pickup I've tried, in all honesty.
BleedingEdge":3e0l6z6g said:
gbsmusic":3e0l6z6g said:
There is nothing magical about Holmes or Throbacks - they are very very good, but you can do just as well with WCR. Holmes to me are fatter, less bright.

I love my Throbaks! I have two sets. I also have a set of WCRs - the GW bridge and CR neck.

Incredible pickups all around.
IMO there's nothing magical about any pickup, they are tools. Get the best tool for the job. Musicians and music are magical, hardware is hardware. I've had singers sound like shit standing in front of a 20K C-12 and I've heard great singers sound great at karaoke night.
James Lugo":2hoifo23 said:
IMO there's nothing magical about any pickup, they are tools. Get the best tool for the job. Musicians and music are magical, hardware is hardware. I've had singers sound like shit standing in front of a 20K C-12 and I've heard great singers sound great at karaoke night.

agree with you, and my playin' ain't nothing close to magic :doh: :doh:
Let me cahnge my answer.

In My customs I like:

The Iron Man set, and the American Steele's.

In my 58, I have the American steele set, and in my Joe Perry I have the GW(A2) and DB neck, and in another guitar I have a set of darkbursts.

I think if your looking at WCR, you need to start with the godwood, when I first tried it, I thought it sucked as it was installed wrong, then BAM.... I got it.

The necks are cool as the Crossroads neck sounds acoustic like where as the DB has a thicker meatier tone.

Both cool, and go wrong with either....

But if your a metal guy and want to like EMG's but hate the sound of actives, go for the Ironman's they blow away any other high gain pickup I have tried (Wolfetone feneris, WB Hell and Hammer).

The Icebuckers are another good set in the spirit of the Godwoods.