Missing my old Mesa Stiletto Deuce

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SgtThump":54c45 said:
Man, that amp sounded fantastic. I still haven't heard the new versions yet, but if they're anything like the old, I'd love 'em. The old versions are thick and chewy, but still with a Marshall twist. Just great tones all around if you ask me.

I'm even considering selling my VHT 50CL and getting another Stiletto.


How much for the 50CL?
SgtThump":ae76b said:

More than most would be willing to pay, I think. I could ship it for $1,300. There have been a few sold on eBay recently for less than that, which would hurt me a little too much.

Understand. Good luck!
Ya' know . . . I'm liking that ACE more and more actually. It can pull out such a good Avenger copy that it's scary!
SgtThump":f7a2a said:

More than most would be willing to pay, I think. I could ship it for $1,300. There have been a few sold on eBay recently for less than that, which would hurt me a little too much.

Depending how things go with the Ractifier, I would be willing to pay that for a CL in great condition. I actually think it is a fair price.
SgtThump":a00f6 said:
Man, that amp sounded fantastic. I still haven't heard the new versions yet, but if they're anything like the old, I'd love 'em. The old versions are thick and chewy, but still with a Marshall twist. Just great tones all around if you ask me.

I'm even considering selling my VHT 50CL and getting another Stiletto.


I know you're a fan of the stage I's Thump but you should try a stage II so you can hear the differences yourself you might like it. I preferred the stage II personally myself.

Of course if you use a boost pedal with a stage I it changes things a little....

I'm not sure I would sell my VHT for one though, they are great amps :) .
You want this:


I need to try a Duece sometime soon. I really think I'd like it. :D

I'm really wanting to either get a Stiletto or a Splawn soon, but I'm thinking the Stiletto might actually suit me better for lower gain stuff.
Marshall Freak":0b39b said:
I need to try a Duece sometime soon. I really think I'd like it. :D

I'm really wanting to either get a Stiletto or a Splawn soon, but I'm thinking the Stiletto might actually suit me better for lower gain stuff.

IMHO Id get the Mesa over the Splawn. Ive played both and owned the Splawn for a bit.
I always loved you stiletto clips. I think the amp fit you well.
Selling an amp and regreting it later really, REALLY sucks. I've talked to a few people lately about an amp I regret selling. I'd like to get another one like it, but don't want to regret selling one of the amps I have now. :D
J.B.":f4a1f said:
Selling an amp and regreting it later really, REALLY sucks. I've talked to a few people lately about an amp I regret selling. I'd like to get another one like it, but don't want to regret selling one of the amps I have now. :D

You can't just do that!! What amp do you miss? I know . . . curiousity killed the . . . whatever!! Do tell. Must have been a special tone machine to be missing it so.
loudgtr":c427f said:

You can't just do that!! What amp do you miss? I know . . . curiousity killed the . . . whatever!! Do tell. Must have been a special tone machine to be missing it so.
Mark IIC+

SgtThump":95050 said:
Man, that amp sounded fantastic. I still haven't heard the new versions yet, but if they're anything like the old, I'd love 'em. The old versions are thick and chewy, but still with a Marshall twist. Just great tones all around if you ask me.

I'm even considering selling my VHT 50CL and getting another Stiletto.


There was a guy on HC selling the Stilletto Trident - I sold my Orange to him - JC Blackwater is the guy's name - not sure if that's his handle.

I have his email address still from when we were working out the deal right when HCAF IP banned me. If you're interested, I'll email him and see if it's still for sale, and shoot him your email address.

Its sure hard to sell amps you like. I notice as time goes on its harder and harder to sell things. In general the gear I have now is just much better than what I had even 4 years ago.

So what exactly is the difference between the Duece, Ace, and Trident?
I played the Ace 1x12 combo again today, great amp. One of the better combos i have played. Sound big and punchy, not mushy or boxy. I think the closed back cab helps it. Funny because i have played Mark series combos and hated them all.

The Ace does have more gain than the Deuce and fluid drive is a HUGE improvment. You can easily get by without a pedal. So i played the Ace at GC, came home and played an UL I'm borrowing, and i like the Ace better.
SgtThump":f30b2 said:

I think the only difference between the "old" versions of the Deuce and Trident are the watts. The Deuce is 50/100 and the Trident is 50/150. I believe that they're the same other than that...

The Ace is the new 50-watt Stiletto that's been tweaked for more distortion and tighter lows or something like that.

Do they make a "new" version of the Deuce and Trident or is the only amp they have now in the Stiletto line the Ace? Heck, I don't even know.

They do make newer versions of the Deuce and Trident Stage II
I'm digging my ACE combo alot and I've been through a slew of amps in the last year.

SgtThump":466ee said:
I saw those and thought they were the old amps still, but they do say revoiced and stuff. They just kept the same cosmetics? I like the looks of the Ace more!

Thump, all the Stiletto's were updated to stage II the Ace just has different cosmetics......
I played a Stage II at Mesa Hollywood last year and almost shit my pants....very nice..no pedal needed....it beats a Stage I with a pedal....I played them both side by side...