Got my wisdom toofs out today...

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All four. Yay!

It hurt for awhile after I woke up from the surgery and the anesthesia wore off, but 6 Tylenol 3s over 8 hours has kept it down to a dull feeling.

Anyone have any experiences to share?
I'm wondering if there's anyone that actually still has their wisdom teeth in....
Code001":d3d74 said:
I'm wondering if there's anyone that actually still has their wisdom teeth in....

My gf went to the dentists earlier this year...and she has enough room in her mouth for them and doesn't need them out :x
Well, I despise the dentist because novocaine injections don't work on me. Last time I went, my jaw locked up from the pain when they were filling a cavity, and the nurse had the audacity to actually laugh and order me to open my jaw wider. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy. While my wisdom teeth don't hurt and my teeth haven't been crowding at all, I'm still dreading that I might have to get them out someday.
I have all my wisdom teeth. The dentist said I'd need them out "soon" when I was a teenager. I'm 37 now. Still no problems.

Here's hoping for your speedy recovery.
Got mine out a few years ago, and I'm 35. It was fun. :) Honestly I didn't need pain killers afterwards but I did need to keep the swelling down, because I did get quite swollen (a couple of the teeth had to be removed in a less-than-polite manner, evidently). The pain I felt was more of the burning/stinging kind with a dull ache, which doesn't really bother me much; if it were throbbing/sharp pain then I probably would've taken stronger medication. And the general anesthetic made me very weak for a full day after the surgery at least. Besides that it was annoying trying to sleep for the first couple days because I had to get up every couple hours to spit out blood.
again with this":f690b said:
I have all my wisdom teeth. The dentist said I'd need them out "soon" when I was a teenager. I'm 37 now. Still no problems.

I guess your teeth didn't crowd in any way, or the roots of the wisdom teeth didn't get into your jawbone etc.
JamesPeters":55504 said:

I guess your teeth didn't crowd in any way, or the roots of the wisdom teeth didn't get into your jawbone etc.

guess not. even though crowding was predicted.
Code001":ccd1b said:
I'm wondering if there's anyone that actually still has their wisdom teeth in....

I do. All four. I might have them out soon (I'm 25 and don't want to wait till I'm older), but I was wondering how much maxillofacial surgeons usually charged.
i had them out 3 weeks ago. it sucked, they were all impacted. and then i ended up being allergic to the antibiotic (i have to be tested, it may have been the pain medicine).

and hydrocodene sucks
flying_high":04513 said:
i had them out 3 weeks ago. it sucked, they were all impacted. and then i ended up being allergic to the antibiotic (i have to be tested, it may have been the pain medicine).

and hydrocodene sucks

Why do you say it sucks? Doesn't work on you, don't like it, side effects?
it made me really dizzy and nauseous, and just feel terrible. I couldn't even sit up. i might have been allergic, i have to get tested.
I've got to get mine out soon... I've waited too long, it almost cost me my trip to NAMM. I can't get an appointment to get them checked out until I get back even.

Thing is, Lortab doesn't work a whole lot on me, end up having a beer with it and then it'll somewhat dull pain and all. I'm sure the doc wouldn't be too happy about it, oh well.

I think I'm getting all mine out at one time, I think I'll be too chickenshit to get the rest done at a later date.
StevieRaveOn":6baf5 said:
I've got to get mine out soon... I've waited too long, it almost cost me my trip to NAMM. I can't get an appointment to get them checked out until I get back even.

Thing is, Lortab doesn't work a whole lot on me, end up having a beer with it and then it'll somewhat dull pain and all. I'm sure the doc wouldn't be too happy about it, oh well.

I think I'm getting all mine out at one time, I think I'll be too chickenshit to get the rest done at a later date.

you can have any fluids or solids in you because of the anesthesia.
cloudnine":39099 said:
All four. Yay!

It hurt for awhile after I woke up from the surgery and the anesthesia wore off, but 6 Tylenol 3s over 8 hours has kept it down to a dull feeling.

Anyone have any experiences to share?

I had my 4 out in November.
1 was under the jawbone.
Woke up all loopy, got home, slept.
I wasn't in pain once. I never had to take my pain meds.
I guess the surgeon was good. (it was a specialist, not a dentist)

The only past that is kinda sucky is 'brushing' the holes to make sure no food is in there once you start eating solids :(
flying_high":8712e said:

you can have any fluids or solids in you because of the anesthesia.

Sorry, I meant for afterwards and the pain meds they give you, not the anesthesia.
I got one out the day my parents friends visited. I remember dinner as I sat there not eating and eyes turning to me as I realized that suddenly my face started swelling like crazy. Like seriousley in fifteen minutes I had an extra piece of face.