Got my wisdom toofs out today...

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flametal":b4f45 said:
I got one out the day my parents friends visited. I remember dinner as I sat there not eating and eyes turning to me as I realized that suddenly my face started swelling like crazy. Like seriousley in fifteen minutes I had an extra piece of face.

For the first part of the day I looked puffy, then after a bunch of ice on the face the swelling went down...but when my gf came over last night apparently I got all chipmunky again while we were hanging out. :oops:
I had all 4 out last month.

Looking back, it wasn't that bad, I guess. 2 of them just pulled out nicely, the other 2 were impacted. Those required digging and cutting. It started to hurt pretty good once I got home....but the vicodin took care of that. The worst part was for me was the bleeding. They bled the whole first day, so I had to change the gauze countless times. There was a little swelling but not much.

I tell everyone about my general anesthesia experience. I was kind of looking forward to feeling it take effect. Yea right. I was out before they injected the whole dose into the IV. Completely kicked my ass. Next thing I know, I'm sitting up talking some jibberish to the nurse.

....looking at the itemized receipt from my insurance company....the anesthesia cost $5.00/min. :o
Man, I got mine done, went out hard under anethesia. Then when I woke up and barely remember walking to the car and for the next 2 days my Mom kept stuffing me with Mepergan(which was the pain killer given to me) which really fucked me up and made me really drowsy. So basically I was in dreamworld for 2 days straight. All I remember was somewhere in that period my dad made me an egg and cheese omelet and my girlfriend fed it to me, hehehe, what a gal.

But hey, I felt no pain!!
All four while awake with 12 shots and two hit nerves......ah the Navy was so much fun.

LT on my chest pulling pieces out after using the spring loaded tooth smasher. Played a softball game 4 hours later.
when i was 18, my dentist told me my wisdom teeth needed to come out, even though they weren't causing crowding and they even had more free space back there than most people's wisdom teeth have.

I didn't want them out but my parents made me do it. :owned:
IHateRap":e48c9 said:
I had all 4 out last month.

Looking back, it wasn't that bad, I guess. 2 of them just pulled out nicely, the other 2 were impacted. Those required digging and cutting. It started to hurt pretty good once I got home....but the vicodin took care of that. The worst part was for me was the bleeding. They bled the whole first day, so I had to change the gauze countless times. There was a little swelling but not much.

I tell everyone about my general anesthesia experience. I was kind of looking forward to feeling it take effect. Yea right. I was out before they injected the whole dose into the IV. Completely kicked my ass. Next thing I know, I'm sitting up talking some jibberish to the nurse.

....looking at the itemized receipt from my insurance company....the anesthesia cost $5.00/min. :o

WTF!?!?!? I don't have insurance, that stuff better be worth it!
cloudnine":bc14b said:
All four. Yay!

It hurt for awhile after I woke up from the surgery and the anesthesia wore off, but 6 Tylenol 3s over 8 hours has kept it down to a dull feeling.

Anyone have any experiences to share?
I feel for ya. I had 2 removed when I was 21 and it sucked. I started a new job delivering pizza the next day so I couldn't take any good drugs.
again with this":a8fd9 said:
I have all my wisdom teeth. The dentist said I'd need them out "soon" when I was a teenager. I'm 37 now. Still no problems.

I'm in the same boat. My bottom two are completely impacted AND on their side (i.e. the top of the tooth is pointing toward the front of my mouth). The dentist has suggested to me for years to get them out, but they haven't moved at all and the only issue now is that there is a crater or whatever back there that I have to be careful to clean well to prevent any type of cavity starting.

I know I should get them out, but I've had a number of extremely unpleasant surgeries in the facial area (eyes) over the past few years that I feel I should be exempt in some way from surgery that is not 100% necessary. Probably I will regret this but it won't be the first mistake I've ever made.
StevieRaveOn":624cb said:

Hurtin' bro, or just looking swollen?

Just swollen. There hasnt been pain since the couple hours after the anesthetic, the T3s are keeping the pain in check.

They're friggin HUGE and I cant open my mouth more than an inch or I really wanna eat something solid and I don't think I can!

MORE yogurt...yay :cheer: :x
cloudnine":3a51c said:

Just swollen. There hasnt been pain since the couple hours after the anesthetic, the T3s are keeping the pain in check.

They're friggin HUGE and I cant open my mouth more than an inch or I really wanna eat something solid and I don't think I can!

MORE yogurt...yay :cheer: :x

Yeah, mine are cutting into the side of my mouth, so eating sometimes is bad in and of itself so I'm trying to start to get used to the liquid/semi-liquid diet now. I think they're gonna have to come out not long after NAMM. V8, Smoothies, and broth, here I come. :)

One thing I have to add to the world... I noticed the other day, my first time to have V8, that it tastes a LOT like if you put a can of spaghettios in a blender. :D
Broth would be nice atm. I'll go get some later, I think.

I look like fucking Fat Albert from the neck up, and I'm a skinny 5'10 150lb white boy which makes the picture even more hilarious. :D
cloudnine":973e8 said:
Broth would be nice atm. I'll go get some later, I think.

I look like fucking Fat Albert from the neck up, and I'm a skinny 5'10 150lb white boy which makes the picture even more hilarious. :D

I'm already a big dude, I'm gonna look like the guy from "Just Friends" in the fat suit. :D

One thing on the broth!!!! Don't get it too hot... Someone told me about this, their dentist didn't warn them about hot liquids and it dissolved the stitches early. Heads up.
Thanks. Doc told me no "extremes" hot or cold...but last night one of the stitches fell out anyhow. I'm supposed to flush out the back of my mouth with the syringe after I eat, so I guess after I'm finished here (yogurt and rice) I'll go do that. I'm terrified of flushing out the blood clots though, since I do NOT want to get dry socket.
cloudnine":cf0e2 said:
Thanks. Doc told me no "extremes" hot or cold...but last night one of the stitches fell out anyhow. I'm supposed to flush out the back of my mouth with the syringe after I eat, so I guess after I'm finished here (yogurt and rice) I'll go do that. I'm terrified of flushing out the blood clots though, since I do NOT want to get dry socket.

Werd, I've heard they're bad, but what's the deal with them? You wanna clean the sockets, but you don't wanna get rid of the clots?
Code001":20eca said:
Take some pics Sean! :D

Speak of the devil, I just took one an hour ago.

...Please note that I havent showered in 2 days and the shirt i'm wearing is not exactly my everyday attire (and it's stained with blood to boot!)

God, I'm going to regret this.

First, how I NORMALLY look -


And now...:cry:

