Poll: Help With Heavy Tone!! (Engl SE Clips Inside)

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I have received quite a few requests to record some metal clips of the Engl SE. I don't fancy myself a metal player at all but was interested nonetheless. It's fun but you can tell I don't play this type of music often.

I plan on recording the Testament song Low and wanted to get some suggestions on the tone I've dialed in. I am posting clips of channel 3 and 4 and was curious to see which one you prefer. Kepp in mind that I just layed these down about 10 mins ago at 11:00pm so the recording volume was extremely low (forgive the pun). When pushing some air it doesn't sound as buzzy. The final product will sound much better.

I recorded them without the backing track on purpose to give you a more accurate taste. I will say that I thought they sounded better with the volume up so CRANK IT!

**Side note** Personally, I'm having a hard time telling them apart but I will leave it up to your discerning ears!

Channel 3 without Depth Punch

Channel 3 with Depth Punch

Channel 4 without Depth Punch

Channel 4 with Depth Punch
Channel 4 depth or Channel 3 no depth.

I think those two sound the best out of the bunch. I'm listening to them, and I can't quite tell if they sound the same. The volume differences between them kinda make it hard to compare the two, but I think Channel 4 with depth punch sounds the best..

Oh yeah, sweet chops man! :\m/:
The only one I didn't really like was channel 3 + depth. It was a nice tone, it just was a little too organic for that type of metal.

I possibly liked channel 4 without the best, though it was possibly a little fizzy compared to the other two I liked.

EDIT: screw that, channel 3 without depth was the best. I listened to it again. :lol:
Honestly, I think they all had a bit too much presence for my taste. I thought the last clip sounded pretty brittle and compressed. They were all roughly in the same ballpark though. I preferred the Ch 3 clips to the 4s.
Channel 3 without depth, CHannel 4 with depth.

The channel 3 without the depth sounded the best of them all though.

Oh and good choice on what to play, TESTEMENT! :bang:
Qweklain":c589a said:
Channel 3 without depth, CHannel 4 with depth.

The channel 3 without the depth sounded the best of them all though.

Thanks for the responses guys! I, too, like channel 3 the best. I never use the depth punch. Makes the low end sound a little fake to me. Kind of fun to play with when you're alone. I'm going to record the clip with a bass and bass POD and see how it sounds. I will post the results when I'm done.


Shredi Knight

that signature gif of your always distracts me. Is that Kelly Clarkson?
gibson5413":33669 said:

Shredi Knight

that signature gif of your always distracts me. Is that Kelly Clarkson?

Yeah. It's from a video from youtube where she got up on stage drunk and sang with some metal cover band (their name escapes me).

Edit - The band's name is Metalskool. Here's the whole video;
