Opinions on Suhr OD100 Amps Wanted

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Fiesta Red
Fiesta Red
Well-known member
Any Suhr CAA OD100 users here? Which model do you have? Did you keep yours? What kind of music do you play? Pros or cons?

Hey Mark,

I've heard good things about these amps. Have you checked out the Suhr Badger? W/ a BB preamp in the front it will get good metal tones. Notes are very clear and articulate. The amp has a great vibe.

I'm still digg'n the maple GMW!

Bob T.
I have an OD100 SE EL34 and an OD50.
I play a few different styles, and they both cover a lot of ground.
By far, the most spectacular cleans of any amp I've heard. Gain channels are Marshall based but can get heavier. But a hell of a lot more articualte than a Marshall.
What would you like to know....and yes, they can do metal...
Ive only heard them at a Reb Beach clinic a couple of times, but here are my thoughts from those.

Cleans are superb. But then who uses cleans ;)

Gain channels are very marshallesque, can get heavier than a marshall, and much better than any production marshall thats for sure. To me, on paper at least it is the perfect amp. I wouldnt use it for "brewtal metal" though, I dont think the voicing is tailored for that, but there is enough gain there for sure.

BTW, here is a link to vid I took at the clinic. The picture quality came out poor, but the sound is ok!

You had a bunch of great clips on the Suhr forum -- what happened to them?

I have a TSL now that I am pretty happy with, but I am thinking about trying an OD100 or Classic plus. I love the Fender SR cleans, and it seems that both models will get this on the clean channel. I'm guessing the Claasic Plus is closer to the Marshall, but what about the regular OD100? I'm thinking both of them have plenty of gain -- I don't do thrash metal or anything like that.

I have heard Steve's Suhr amps a couple of times. I liked the clean channels a lot but i never heard anything from the dirty channels that i liked. The best i heard it was when an MI-Audio pedal was driving the clean channel. For the price tag i wouldn't go for one, especially with the new Marshalls coming out.
carlygtr56":da998 said:
The Marshall JVM will blow that buzz box away, IMO
I haven't heard a clip of it I ever liked. It sounds like no Marshall I ever heard either.

Sounds like you're pretty high on the JVM. Getting one? 4 channels each with 3 modes sounds really cool.
carlygtr56":13ad7 said:

On the OD-100. IMO, the coolest one is the Classic, the one with the lowest gain, like Landau uses.
I think the coolest head may be the new Suhr Scott Henderson model, which is essentially a one channel Marshall with a master volume.

I just sold the Legacy. I'm expecting the VHT D-120. That will put me at 4 amps.
If I can swing a guitar swap at GC, I'll likely be down with the JVM....

Ralph and Kage were especially thrilled with the JVM, and Ralph is not a big Marshall man....but I spoke to both a few days ago and they thought the amp killed.

Might sell the Germino Headroom-100 too, cause the Heritage Colonial is covering and then some, my need for a NMV Marshall

I called Kage and it sounded like a concert in the background. If Ralph like the JVM i expect it to do low volumes well, well the NAMM volume police are probably out in full force. If these new Marshall live up to the hype soo far i expect to see lots of Splawns, Bogners, and other Marshall knock offs for sale.
I've got one of the "new" SE+'s ....

I had John build it out with EL-34's and the Plexi Tranny ( the Whomp is stock on the SE ).

This build, is very, VERY Marshall-y IMHO. But it's not stock sounding though ! Definitely "hot-rodded" territory. Mine sounds very similar to Jdzialak's Suhr "modded" 2203 ....