So... Who here has experience with a Mesa TriAxis?

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I still cant believe you cant get a tone you dont like.

It took me like 10 minutes to dial it in....
I used mine with a Rocktron Velocity 120 for about 2 years before getting my 2:90 and it sounded fine before so you don't need a 2:90. I like my 50/50 just fine too thank you very much. Okay important question:

What cab/speaker(s) are you using? The bass is a bit loose on the Tri and MASSIVE from the 2:50, so you have to pair it with the right cabinet/speaker(s).

Find a mode that lets you dial in a preset that sounds good to you with the bass low and the dv low then progress from there.

I've had some nice pres:


but, the TriAxis (and a Carvin Quad X-Amp) are the only preamps left in my possession.
carlygtr56":8c3b4 said:
It was designed in conjuction with the 2:90. That's how it sounds best, again, because of the different modes.

Doesn't really matter what you ran it thru, the 2:90 was designed along with the Tri-Axis.

Thats true, and it does sound AMAZING with the 2:90, BUT thats not to say it wont sound good with other Power amps, I ran it through an old S.S. ADA power amp before I got my 2:90 and it sounded good too.

I think thats his point.... :D
I owned 3. First version. First w Fat Mod, 2nd version non fat mod...
I used just about every power amp including the 2:90.
It never sounded 1/2 as good as any of my Mark series amps or even my Studio 22.
The notes always seemed to die quick, and there was no hugeness to the sounds. I liked them for some clean and low gain settings.
I will not own another until they redesign it.
I had the same experience as you were describing in your original post.
The preamp isn't for everyone.
It needs to be processed in my opinion.
Maybe there is a magic trick to setting it up, but after having a few years with them, I don't think so.
had the v2.0 w/ no phat mod, just the recto voice upgrade, which triaxis connesieurs considered *the* one. bought it after demoing the bogner fish pre the day before.

paired it with a marshall 9005? 50 wps power amp w/ 5881s, then a rivera tbr-1 stereo amp w/ EL34s, then borrowed my friend's 2:90 before finding and LOVING a used 395 with it.


i also had a mark IIb, and then a mark III while i had that tri/395 rig, and the heads really did sound more "real"...tighter, fuller, lusher...
so does the quad preamp.

that dynamic voice is a real spoiler. very plastic compared to the 5 band graphic it attempts to reproduce. if you are a boogie guy, you really struggle dialing around with that DV circuit. never really brings out the goods.

the tones are nice, and i had lots of success running my stereo fxs in the loop and taking the record outs into a console for some wicked compressed/chorus/delay/reverb

that love affair lasted about 8 years...until the egnater tol 100 came to town :D
SgtThump":96d72 said:

No kidding? You gigged with one for 8 years? Dang, then I know there must be some good tones in there! That alone makes me wonder if I should stick it out and give it a little time.

I'm saying that because you're a big tone freak that has played the best of the best stuff. :)

I agree....
Hold on to it for a while and see if you jive with it. I had mine for years. I just found other preamps that suited me better.
SteveVHT":1f075 said:

I agree....
Hold on to it for a while and see if you jive with it. I had mine for years. I just found other preamps that suited me better.

I felt everything you're currently feeling about it when I owned a Triaxis. I couldn't get a tone I was consistently happy with so I sent it packing. That preamp just wasn't for me.
You need a Simul Power....
My rack setup last year was a triaxis with the old 50/50..t was ok to me..
Then came in the Simul 395 Power... :o What a difference!
But i sold the triaxis already :D

The tone is..... 'good'..Only that it created problems with the ribbon cables inside.. :x Died once during a gig :x
I will not buy one Until they redesign it.Tone and reliability wise...

Ppl like Hetfield/Petrucci had it modified i think..
If u like Mark tones,Try the Quad/Studio pre..
SgtThump":4c8de said:

No kidding? You gigged with one for 8 years? Dang, then I know there must be some good tones in there! That alone makes me wonder if I should stick it out and give it a little time.

I'm saying that because you're a big tone freak that has played the best of the best stuff. :)

well remember my tone needs have always been way more touchy feely versus most of the chainsaw crew here!

my most used modes were rhythm green-mark I clean w/ verb for vintage fender cleans(pretty good)

rhythm yellow mark III/IV clean w/ tons of compression and sproingdiddlies for modern hyperclean johnson/petrucci/landau lands (probably the most convincing of the bunch)

lead 1 yellow-mark I/II dirt for srv/robben ford pushed dirt(lacked some dynamics and sustain)

and lead 2 green- mark IV round midrange bold saturated ej violin tones(lacked marshall reediness/stringiness to blend into the smoothness)

lead 2 yellow-mark IIc+ was the alternative crunch/lead sound that i loved more just for twidling at home with but used live here and there.

lead 1 green, lead 1 red, and lead 2 red never saw much action, i think because they were the most unrealistic modes compared to their real counterparts.
every mode always seemed to have a sort of muffled sheen about them, no matter what the configuration i ran. even tried the hideous bbe to fix it....GONG...if those certain critical frequencies are not being generated inherently in the amp's core tone, trying to add it with dynamic voice or bbe or most eqs are bandaids on a mortal headwound.

i tried direct, running stereo, pedals in front, pedals in the loop, parallel mixer route, 3-way, multiple cabs/speakers configurations...i worked the system, and true it was leagues above what a line 6 or any modeller could do, but it always lacked something that no internal eq/dynamic voice tweaking could remedy.

after burning hundreds of hours tweaking on it, i developed a system of listening to music/tones of the cats i desired while i was programming in order to have an immediate reality check. then i'd walk away and revisit it the next day and "inspect my work".
some tones stood the test. others burned and had to be rebuilt from scratch. but i had to have a plan otherwise i would chase my tail for many stinking variables!

i kept the power amp dimed and controlled volume at the output of the last fxs unit
Truth be told, I've had a 2:90 for around 2 years now and have yet to switch modes with it. I'm sure I'd only love the setup even more... maybe one day. Different strokes for different folks.

Maybe one of the reasons why I like the TriAxis so much is because I don't do the smiley face (or any kind of extreme slider moves) graphic eq thing on any amp, so I don't miss a 5-band. If the bass, mid, and treble/presence controls don't do it for me, then the amp's voicing isn't for me and away it goes. If you don't like some of the modes with a low dynamic voice setting and the tone controls set close to normal (5) then, it might just not be for you. What do you think of the overdriven clean mode preset (# 6 I think)? And I keep the input and output around the same 4 and 4 if I'm not mistaken.
Definatly keep working at it Thrump, There's some AWESOME tones in there, you just gotta dig for them! I've always heard that you have to spend a lot of time with the TriAxis, so don't give up (unless you wanna sell it to me, of corse :)). Are you running your rack EQ in the loop? I think that would make a world of difference for sure. Just don't be afraid to strey from the "norm" and try something new, you never know what you'll find. Have you tried boosting it? Maybe the EQ and a clean boost can add some of that low-end your missing. Maybe try setting the DV to something that suits you (If I recall correctly, you said you can't seem to get a good balance of highs and lows with the DV, correct?) and fill in the holes with your EQ. Is your EQ Graphic or Parametric? Assuming its Graphic, maybe a Parametric would help get you to where your trying to go. Also, look around for some other people's settings and try to tweak them, you might find something you like. The TriAxis is a complicated Pre with a lot of Options and I really think you'll love it if you give it the time it needs!

Hope that helps ya, and if it doesn't, feel free to ship it over to my house (I'll pay shipping, of corse) haha..

Sell it!

I still say the best tone you ever had was that Superbass, boosted with a OD pedal.
I've had one for 11 years...gigged pretty regularly with it. There are lots of good things about it, Lead 2 Yellow and green were my favs along with Rhythm Green for mellow, slightly overdriven tones. I've had a 2:90 for almost as long and always used V30's. The 2:90 'half power' voicing one was the only one I used.

That said, I bought a Splawn 2 weeks ago and I'm now using the Triaxis solely to switch channels on the Splawn and to power my midi controller.