Windows Vista.......yes or no????

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Digital Jams
Digital Jams
New member
So I should be ordering my new machine very soon and I am now thrown this curveball. This is what I am loading once the machine comes.......

EMU Patchmix software and drivers
FL6 Producer
Cubebase SE for now.

I really don't want to load XP and then want to upgrade but then again how is Vista going to play with my legacy progs??

This crap will never end :cry:
To be perfectly honest it may have issues. It's pretty typical of Microsoft to use the first batch of new OS customers as the real "beta testers".

Also, it's really up to the software manufacturers if they want their software to be compatible with Vista. At the very least I'd run a dual-boot system with XP until all the crap is worked out of Vista (which will probably take at least six months).
Digital Jams":7db90 said:
So I should be ordering my new machine very soon and I am now thrown this curveball. This is what I am loading once the machine comes.......

EMU Patchmix software and drivers
FL6 Producer
Cubebase SE for now.

I really don't want to load XP and then want to upgrade but then again how is Vista going to play with my legacy progs??

This crap will never end :cry:

I think they rushed it, Scott.

I have the RTM version (ver 6000 I believe) running on a dual core machine I've been testing at work for about a month and I haven't gotten all of our business software to play nicely with it yet.

I was actually hoping Microsoft is releasing a newer version to the retail channels....I'll find out soon.
Thanks guys, been thinking and I am going to use XP for now. this machine will not even be on the internet anyways and I will be disabling most functions to free up resourses.

Vista does look slick but I need stable :)
Digital Jams":d2d71 said:
Thanks guys, been thinking and I am going to use XP for now. this machine will not even be on the internet anyways and I will be disabling most functions to free up resourses.

Vista does look slick but I need stable :)

My XP laptop bluescreened this morning, a nice Monday suprise :x

I had to reinstall windows over the existing install in order to get back to my desktop. :lol:
I'm waiting at the very least 6 months to a year, for MS to get rid of all the Bugs in Vista. I'm pretty happy with XP so far, I actually haven't had any problems out of it at all. But I'm gonna wait and see if it's another "Windows Millinium" or if it's gonna be a good OS.
Doesn't Vista come with a virtual-pc type of "compatability insurance" with it?

I remember that being mentioned in a Microsoft seminar I went to...
XP is a good OS and all the software and drivers you plan on using should be pretty mature in XP by now. I think it's a no-brainer. Upgrade next year after the dust has settled...
ratter":6c2cf said:
XP is a good OS and all the software and drivers you plan on using should be pretty mature in XP by now. I think it's a no-brainer. Upgrade next year after the dust has settled...

What I was thinking.
A) If in the unlikely event I had to use Windows, I wouldn't use Vista until after MS releases the 1st service pack.

B) You should consult the manufacturers of those various products to see if they'll work under Vista first.

C) All that being said, it will NEVER be on any of my PCs. Ever.
Digital Jams":6d6a8 said:
Thanks guys, been thinking and I am going to use XP for now. this machine will not even be on the internet anyways and I will be disabling most functions to free up resourses.

Vista does look slick but I need stable :)

If you want stability out of Windows, you should stick w/ XP SP2. Vista has a few niceties tacked-on, but doesn't really have the killer app yet that would compel anyone to upgrade. XP has been pretty solid.
Juggernaut":fdbbc said:
I'm waiting at the very least 6 months to a year, for MS to get rid of all the Bugs in Vista. I'm pretty happy with XP so far, I actually haven't had any problems out of it at all. But I'm gonna wait and see if it's another "Windows Millinium" or if it's gonna be a good OS.

It's certainly not going to be another ME. However, they do have some kinks to get ironed out.
Im ordering a new box with it as soon as some money rolls in. Been runningit on an old box here at work and its fine. Only has 512mb of ram lol. I don't have all the software here that you have, but have run it thru some paces and its done well. I need a new machine pronto so im going in. Wish me luck im sure I'll need it.
Juggernaut":1a6d8 said:
I'm waiting at the very least 6 months to a year, for MS to get rid of all the Bugs in Vista. I'm pretty happy with XP so far, I actually haven't had any problems out of it at all. But I'm gonna wait and see if it's another "Windows Millinium" or if it's gonna be a good OS.

That's where I'm coming from. I'm actually very happy with XP now that the bugs are worked out. I was running 2k before that with few issues (other than Creative's shit-ass driver support that'd BSOD all the time, of course).

I doubt it'll be a Windows ME. That OS was nothing but a sad marketing ploy. I've played around in Vista RC1, and it has issues, but nowhere near what ME had. It's a slick GUI, but it's not like OSX where the slickness ADDS to functionality.

I long for the day when I can hit F9 on a Windows box for some Expose action (without having to download a program to do it).
shredhead666":2bd22 said:

If you want stability out of Windows, you should stick w/ XP SP2. Vista has a few niceties tacked-on, but doesn't really have the killer app yet that would compel anyone to upgrade. XP has been pretty solid.

The only possible reason I would have to upgrade to Vista is DX10. And that's assuming MS fucks all its XP customers over and doesn't realease DX10 for that platform.

I wanna play Crysis in DX10 dammit :x
64 bit multi threaded apps are far and few between. Shit 32 bit multi threaded apps are far and few between still. That being said once apps and games are written for 64 bit the jump in performance will be noticeable. Best bet is to stick with XP for now and load up that new box with 2G's or more of ram and 4 raid stripe 0 (+1 if you want redundancy) 250 gig 7200 rpm drives. Make sure your mobo can handle the latest dual core Intel chip and then buy the cheapest dual core and overclock the crap out of it. Later you can score a faster Dual core with massive L2 cache (2 meg per core) when the prices drop. The key to any windows box these days is tons of ram.With vista the min amount of ram is 1 gig for good performance. Since you plan on using it for handling recording duties,editing,processing then 2 gigs of ram would be a minimum to start and whatever the mobo can handle would be ideal ( whether thats 4,6,8 gigs of ram ).
Think about this:

Why the hell would you need it? What's it going to do? The only possibility is break something.

Don't bother at the present time. Nothing needs it, so nobody needs it.
You guys are right and the fact that OAS chimed in sealed the Vista for me.

New machine will have a quad ready mobo and 2 gigs of ram with the OAS approved 7600GT vid board.

Btw, video cards have gotten even cheaper, even though they already dropped a ton when the 8000s hit. Those 7600GTs are $100ish on Newegg now: