Vintage Marshall Porn and Mods.

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So being the badass that he is, forumite Clay Finley took in my Superbass for some work. Not only did he only charge me for parts, he lent me his 1970 Superlead with PPIMV to use while he had my amp!!! The '70 Superlead is what I recorded my recent demo with.

Well I picked up the Superbass yesterday and I he told me that he originally bought the Superlead without a power transformer. He ended up going with a Mercury Magnetics Plexi Trem clone and man this amp screams!

I took my Superbass to him for multiple reasons. The first one, the standy switch got snagged on something and was halfway in and halfway out from the faceplate. It was also the wrong kind! it was red as if it was supposed to light up, but standby switches dont light up, only the Power switch! I never even thought about that until he mentioned it...

He also replaced my old svetlana tubes with Winged C EL34's. Also, my headshell is in such "relic" shape that my handle finally tore off on one end. He replaced that as well.

Now for the mod he did...

He added a 2.7k and a .68mf for the lead channel. However, we ended up jumpering the cathode back to shared (left 2.7k and .68mf in circuit). What that means I have no idea. :D

What it sounds like however is this: We basically added just a tad of Superlead to the Superbass. Meaning, now the amp cleans up SOOOO much better with the guitar volume, and i want to say it actually runs quieter now! Also, I can now run my Vol 1 all the way up with the channels bridged, without it mushing out. Essentially being able to use all of my preamp gain.

my Superbass already sounded ridiculously good. All we did was take a good thing and make it better. And its completely reversable. If I decide I dont like it, all he's got to do is snip it out.

Here are pics of the mod (Clay will need to chime in cause I have no idea what Im looking at):




New tubes:


New handle:


New standby switch:


My baby:


Also, before I left his house, I mentioned I needed a washer for my gold strap locks as one of the locks came undone and the washer went flying into the unknown. Clay actually had a random gold washer for the exact type of strap lock I have. Not only that, I mentioned needing a new insert for the caster on the bottom of my cab, as the old one was stripped so I couldnt use my casters. And he had one of those laying around too! All I could do was laugh. What a bad ass!

Clay also has a very nice collection of Marshalls. He has a 50 watt '72 Purple Superlead halfstack and he's got another a 100 watt '72 Superlead in (factory) purple on its way with the matching cab! Fucking dualing factory purple halfstacks, one 50, one 100, from the same damn year! Now thats a collection!

He's also got an old '69 (metal panel) 50 watt Bass head in red tolex! :love:

Anyways, enough braggin'. Here is his 1970 100watt Superlead with MM tranny:
For that is very cool of Clay! Looks great Shea, hope you like the mod cause I know your an uptight little bitch with your old school Marshalls :lol: :D
Digital Jams":3262c said:
For that is very cool of Clay! Looks great Shea, hope you like the mod cause I know your an uptight little bitch with your old school Marshalls :lol: :D

I am. :D

I almost had Clay reverse it cause I was feeling all supersticious. But Clay being the layed back guy he is was like, "Just try it with the band and if you dont like bring it back and we'll snip it out!" :)
Your amp looks as though it has the same circuit board as my JCM800. I want my amp given a service/modding. Wish we had a guy like Clay over here in the UK.

Im dubious about sending it back to Marshall, and im pretty sure they wont do the PPMV mod i want...
Scott Ians Beard":40113 said:
Your amp looks as though it has the same circuit board as my JCM800. I want my amp given a service/modding. Wish we had a guy like Clay over here in the UK.

Im dubious about sending it back to Marshall, and im pretty sure they wont do the PPMV mod i want...

You'd think there would be a lot of Marshall techs in the UK!?! :?
Telephant":cf052 said:

You'd think there would be a lot of Marshall techs in the UK!?! :?

There probably are, but i havent found any! The last 3 that have looked at my amps have been hacks!
Ooh, I'm glad you posted that picture, because I have a feeling my Rich mod isn't installed right. It doesn't work as well as you and Vlad have said that your's does. I need to bust the amp open and take a look.

Problem is, I don't have a Clay to take it to!
ratter":1b6cd said:
Ooh, I'm glad you posted that picture, because I have a feeling my Rich mod isn't installed right. It doesn't work as well as you and Vlad have said that your's does. I need to bust the amp open and take a look.

Problem is, I don't have a Clay to take it to!

The pic I sent you didn't help?
So the past three days of practice have been hell. The mod ended up changing where to mids were prnounced and made the amp feel like it didnt have much gain. Almost like it had too much mids.

So in a frenzy last night I called Clay and asked him out to de-mod it. Some of you may have seen this pic he posted:



Needless to say it was ridiculously easy to return to stock, and now my Superbass ROAR is back!!!

The lesson here? Do fuck with a good thing!!!!
And even though I returned it to stock, the amp still cleans up really well. I think my old tubes were just biased too high (apparantly waaaay too high according to Clay) originally and thats why it wasnt doing it in the first place.
Glad to hear now the amps workin out for ya Shea! Now how about some clips? :D
MrDan666":3282e said:
Glad to hear now the amps workin out for ya Shea! Now how about some clips? :D (edit: actually this is all Clay's 1970 Superlead with my Hot Silicon fuzz).

All feature the Superbass. :)
Telephant":f2f47 said:
>|<>QBB< (edit: actually this is all Clay's 1970 Superlead with my Hot Silicon fuzz).

All feature the Superbass. :)

Nice tone man!!

I like the groove in your music, you got da funk goin on :D 8)
Telephant":3dcf8 said:
And even though I returned it to stock, the amp still cleans up really well. I think my old tubes were just biased too high (apparantly waaaay too high according to Clay) originally and thats why it wasnt doing it in the first place.

Glad you got it worked out Negro. Sounded like you were panicing a little on the phone.