Ampeg VH140C gut shots...

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I felt like taking pics of my ampeg's circuit i don't know why. Yes, it does do the volume swell, and the reverb doesn't work either. If anybody can spot anything just from the pics (if that' even possible) that'd save me a couple of bucks from goin to the tech! Also, can someone explain to me what that yellow.....gooey shit is?






Umm...That could be your issue, capacitor leakage by the looks of it. I would assume that since it seems to be around the capacitors more than anything else.
The yellow stuff is jizz man... somebody else seems to have "been in there" before you... :D

Really it just kinda looks to me like some sloppy epoxy to keep things from rattling loose?
better let one of the amp-tech/builders answer, but Im betting its ok.
Change R43, problem solved.

And no that's not hot glue at all, but something that's gone horribly wrong and must be removed immediately. That will also solve your problem and/or make the amp sound like a Diezel.

Ok I'm lying.
JamesPeters":c7f91 said:
Change R43, problem solved.

And no that's not hot glue at all, but something that's gone horribly wrong and must be removed immediately. That will also solve your problem and/or make the amp sound like a Diezel.

Ok I'm lying.
Haha, youre an evil man James. ;)

So R43 goes bad on these amps, or needs a different value?
Where is R43???

I too have a ampeg in the shop, let me know if you are able to cure the elusive volume shifting problem. Mine just flat up and stopped making sound all together after a few days of the annoying volume shifting thing.
BOOGIE444":7d803 said:
Where is R43???

I too have a ampeg in the shop, let me know if you are able to cure the elusive volume shifting problem. Mine just flat up and stopped making sound all together after a few days of the annoying volume shifting thing.

yah uhm.....would this be something i can do on my own? I have soldering experience with pickups...

It was a joke. How can anyone tell anything is wrong from those pictures, even if they weren't blurry. I'd be shocked if anyone came up with any pertinent suggestions after seeing them, beyond the usual "check for cold solder joints" or "clean the jacks" (which has nothing to do with what can be seen in those pictures).

The most relevant suggestions would probably come from techs who found the exact same problem with other amps of the same model, but not from the pictures.
What can I say, were just a couple of desperate metal heads trying to get our gain machine back up and running.
BOOGIE444":80c4e said:
What can I say, were just a couple of desperate metal heads trying to get our gain machine back up and running.
LOL, raise up a toast to \M/etalheads & keeping their amps running!
That yellow shit is to stabilize the components. The only way to test the amp is to take to somebody who has the know how and equipment. Worth the $$$.

In the meantime rent a head or combo that you've been dying to try out.
BOOGIE444":7c09b said:
What can I say, were just a couple of desperate metal heads trying to get our gain machine back up and running.

I wish I could help. It's just rare when I can in a situation like this. Pictures usually don't reveal more than what people can already tell on their own (ie. a burnt resistor etc.) unless the pictures are extremely sharp, and even then it's a very low chance anything can be spotted unless it's obvious (which you'd probably have already noticed).