Mojo/Prayer request and a Public Service Announcement

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I just found out last night that my Uncle Roger has Lung Cancer thats spread to the Lymph Nodes. They cant operate because his lungs are pretty cooked and its in Stage 3, not a good thing at all. Hes in his 3rd week of treatment(Chemo/radiation) and responding really well but this is really serious stuff here. The man is one of the meanest and toughest SOB's that I have ever know and has been like a father to me, in many ways, Im closer to him than my own father, Im absolutely gutted right now. If anyone can fight their way through this , he can but Mojo and Prayer definitely help...

Now for the Public Service Announcement....

My Uncle got this from Smoking, nothing else. I quit but Ive been cheating here and there and now, Im friggin done.


If you cant do it for yourself, do it for your loved ones. Ill be the first to admit that I love smoking but no good can ever come from it. Reality is a MOFO and what my Uncle Roger is going through sealed the deal for me...

Seriously guys, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to kick the habit at all costs.... I wouldnt want to put my wife and son through this..


mojo passed on...

I agree about smoking too. I'm so glad they banned it from clubs here.
much mojo dad died of an asbestos related lung cancer (mesothelioma) 10 years ago..

i hope your uncle pulls through
Prayers sent to your uncle. Cancer is something that scares me. You know I've had both parents go through it and so far seem to be cancer free. God willing they stay that way. Take care buddy

Prayers your uncles way and to you and your family brother Kage.
Sorry to hear that Kage. :( I hope he pulls through.

I've never smoked and I never will, both of my parents do and I've always hated it ever since I was a little kid.
Prayers sent your uncles way Kage. Man do i need to quit smoking that shit is always scary but you never think about it till it's to late. And Kage god bless
I will keep your Uncle Roger and you in my prayers, KAGE!
I quit smoking two years ago and I've never looked back, but it was tough!
Lot's of love c'mon your way, Bro!
Hang in there!

Your Uncle & your family will be in my prayers Kage.

Stay Strong, I know you will
Sorry to read this Kage. My dad died of lung cancer back in 1984 at the age of 50.

He was a smoker and a doctor. I stopped smoking in 1991 and never looked back.
Sorry to hear about this Kage. Stay strong! Hope his treatment continues to work well for him and eliminates that cancer.

STEEL KAGE":b46c8 said:
+infinity... Really, there is no benefit to smoking.
Im so sorry to hear this bro :( Mojo and prayers coming his way!

+1 on quitting smoking. I smoked for a while, but il never do it again. I know of too many people who have died from smoking, and i cant stand it now.
Mojo sent. My mom died of cancer. Not only should you stop smoking but also wear sunscreen.