So who do you think that Nozzle Bluesaholick over at HCAF really is?

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Megadeth7684":94baa said:

MYK, MikeDaShredder, and Brutaluffagus are the ones I know he has, God knows how many more there are.

MYK was banned so he came back with Buntafunalingus (er whatever) IIRC. Dont know about MikeDaShredder though.
Telephant":bd3f6 said:

MYK was banned so he came back with Buntafunalingus (er whatever) IIRC. Dont know about MikeDaShredder though.

Look at the date he registered that Brutaluffigus name, it was years ago. MikeDaShredder was him as well, I'm 100% sure.
he is here on rigtalk....i remeber he made a thread about the new fenders....only posted like 2times here i think.
I'll give you guys a hint about who he is. He's someone who has got you all figured out and eating out of the palm of his hand. Look at this, now he's accomplished cross-forum trolling without even posting here LOL!

I love how he can make a thread that says something like, "Mids are your friend," and then it turns into 100-200 posts of people going totally apeshit, even without him saying another word. He doesn't even have to say anything worded remotely in a way that is intended to get people riled up, because a ton of people follow him everywhere he goes, apparently with the intention of making THEMSELVES pissed off. It's practically self-trolling at this point.

I can't even imagine how funny that must be to know you can make tons of people throw logic out the window without even posting a complete sentence. Most efficient troll of all time.

HCAF is a hell hole because it's a freaking joke to troll the hell out of everybody. That means you guys, too.

Megadeth7684":a0fbc said:
Tweedbucket or MYK, they each have about 20 different user names.

stfu n0Ob!
OneArmedScissor":841a7 said:
I'll give you guys a hint about who he is. He's someone who has got you all figured out and eating out of the palm of his hand. Look at this, now he's accomplished cross-forum trolling without even posting here LOL!

I love how he can make a thread that says something like, "Mids are your friend," and then it turns into 100-200 posts of people going totally apeshit, even without him saying another word.

I can't even imagine how funny that must be to know you can make tons of people throw logic out the window without even posting a complete sentence.

HCAF is a hell hole because it's a freaking joke to troll the hell out of everybody. That means you guys, too.


stfu n0Ob!

Ok HeraldOfLight.
best way to fight trolls is to turn their threads into relevant discussions, and ignore the original post in the process
Megadeth7684":ef189 said:

Ok HeraldOfLight.

Woo w0o wO0! My, aren't you clever? What do you want for your prize? How about a cookie? \:D/

OneArmedScissor":e4cfa said:
I'll give you guys a hint about who he is. He's someone who has got you all figured out and eating out of the palm of his hand. Look at this, now he's accomplished cross-forum trolling without even posting here LOL!

I love how he can make a thread that says something like, "Mids are your friend," and then it turns into 100-200 posts of people going totally apeshit, even without him saying another word. He doesn't even have to say anything worded remotely in a way that is intended to get people riled up, because a ton of people follow him everywhere he goes, apparently with the intention of making THEMSELVES pissed off. It's practically self-trolling at this point.

I can't even imagine how funny that must be to know you can make tons of people throw logic out the window without even posting a complete sentence. Most efficient troll of all time.

HCAF is a hell hole because it's a freaking joke to troll the hell out of everybody. That means you guys, too.

OneArmedScissor":52e95 said:

Woo w0o wO0! My, aren't you clever? What do you want for your prize? How about a cookie? \:D/


Oh so you're one of "those" too eh? :roll:
Messing with Mikey or Mr Scissors is like trying to teabag a weedwacker.