Hey, thanks for the welcome! Since I'm a gear junky like most of you, I'm stoked to have found this place!
Okay gear. Bonded by blood. Hiwatt with to Boss super overdrives, gains on 10, drives off. Sounds crazy, but it worked. Live back then I used two, but one was for a lead boost only through a Marshall.
Everything else until the latest was recorded with my Marshalls, but they weren't modded until before Impact.
Used to run a bunch of shit with them , BBE, Rane parametric eq, hush IICX. Tempo it was straight through, one cab, one
sm57. Nothing else.
Before Shovel Headed Kill Machine, I tried them out but wasn't getting the results I wanted. Just had them re-tubed and they were sounding different. 20 year old amps you know! But I had been using the Peavey XXX for a while and it kills. Went straight in for the record. Live, a bunch of Home Brew stuff, Boss Octave pedal, and some other stuff from time to time.