new avatar cabs!!!!

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How do the Avatar cabs compare to other high quality cabs like Bogner, Splawn or VHT??

I've used speakers from Avatar (Hellatones), but never tried one of their cabs.

I want to order a new cab this week.

whoa they look so much better now... i had one back when they were still carpeted and with the metal grille lol
There was some talk about those Vintage 4x12's at HC a while back when they were first announced. A lot of guys were talking about getting one but I never saw anything about them actually receiving them or the sound quality.
Man, you can't beat the price of those cabs. I want one really bad loaded with hellatones...
Looks like i might just have to get a 2x12 :mrgreen:
I use one of the closed back 2x12s. I can easily recommend this cabinet whether it has a Vintage 30 / G12H30 combination, or two greenbacks. I sold my 4x12 before my move to Winnipeg and this cab has kept me happy since my arrival here.
I wish I could see the inside of the cab, don't really care about the outside.
Digital Jams":9fdbb said:
I wish I could see the inside of the cab, don't really care about the outside.

Yep, just like seeing an amp chassis tells the whole story :)
Shiny_Surface":d0690 said:

Yep, just like seeing an amp chassis tells the whole story :)

I wish I had the skills some have of looking at a guitar and just knowing that it will rule :cry: :D
Digital Jams":0d937 said:
I wish I could see the inside of the cab, don't really care about the outside.

I would be willing to bet that these cabs wil sound great. To be honest with you, if you looked at the insides of my 1908's Marshall 1960b cabs, you would puke. Tons of glue overspray and the wood has many knots from hell all over the place!! Not pretty thats for sure!! The sound good... not great.
Gainfreak":55d71 said:

I would be willing to bet that these cabs wil sound great. To be honest with you, if you looked at the insides of my 1908's Marshall 1960b cabs, you would puke. Tons of glue overspray and the wood has many knots from hell all over the place!! Not pretty thats for sure!! The sound good... not great.

I wish he sold them unloaded because I need one more cabinet and I want MC90s which he does not stock. I have a ceiling of $600 that I will spend on cabs so the MC90 cab is going to take some time and lurking :D
Digital Jams":af31c said:

I wish he sold them unloaded because I need one more cabinet and I want MC90s which he does not stock. I have a ceiling of $600 that I will spend on cabs so the MC90 cab is going to take some time and lurking :D

You could always buy the cab with the most popular speaker used today (aka v30's) and sell the speakers on e-bay. It will almost pay for the cab itself. I also would not rule out that Dave would not sell it unloaded. have you e-mailed him about that? he is a cool guy and might hook you up.
Gainfreak":47042 said:

You could always buy the cab with the most popular speaker used today (aka v30's) and sell the speakers on e-bay. It will almost pay for the cab itself. I also would not rule out that Dave would not sell it unloaded. have you e-mailed him about that? he is a cool guy and might hook you up.

Yeah I bought my greens from Dave, real cool dude. Good idea with selling off the drivers just may work.

The Olaf pre is on it's way btw :wink:
Digital Jams":26c79 said:
I wish I could see the inside of the cab, don't really care about the outside.

John has one. Did you not get to see it at ZepJam07?
Digital Jams":8f6a8 said:

I wish he sold them unloaded because I need one more cabinet and I want MC90s which he does not stock. I have a ceiling of $600 that I will spend on cabs so the MC90 cab is going to take some time and lurking :D

Could you describe the MC90s for me Digital Jams? I've seen this speaker mentioned a lot with you Boogie guys, but don't really know much about the tonal qualities...
tweed":169d0 said:

John has one. Did you not get to see it at ZepJam07?

I was too busy wiping my bottom lip gauking at his Eventide Eclipse and rack to look at the Avatar :cry:

Crap.....there was my answer right there :x
Digital Jams":4d5be said:

I was too busy wiping my bottom lip gauking at his Eventide Eclipse and rack to look at the Avatar :cry:

Crap.....there was my answer right there :x

Nice!! Noobie ShellShock :D
I was thinking about getting one of these! All V-30's, but I've decided to just buy the speakers and put them in the cab I have now. If I had $500 to throw around, I'd definitely get one.