Played a 57 strat today.....

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An Original 57 mary kay strat....In immaculate condition.

I sold an HBE pedal to a guy here in town, and he invited me to come over and see his collection. This thing was BEAUTIFUL. actually had the V neck on it as well..... and the neck had small amounts of birdseye in it. Played like a dream, sounded amazing.

thats it just thought I'd share that I got to play a VERY sought after instrument today.

Was impressive.
alot of thos old guitars really have some tone mojo. my uncles got an old gretch thats like that, just sounds sweet.
I did, I totally didnt expect that, I knew the guy was into vintage strats and amps, and has a massive pedal collection, but he pulled that out and I was in awe....

I've seen them before, a couple anyways, but this one was damn near mint. had some rust on the bridge, but not a scratch to be seen. Neck was in fantastic condition as well...
I played Chris Duarte's 1963 strat once. It was worn as fuck and played amazing. Had a nice size c shape, perfect for my hands. The perfect strat IMHO. :)
I've always wanted a '62 or '63 strat, the 50's necks aren't really my thang.

I've played two, they were beat the hell up, and I loved it. :mrgreen:
Telephant":fb00c said:
I played Chris Duarte's 1963 strat once. It was worn as fuck and played amazing. Had a nice size c shape, perfect for my hands. The perfect strat IMHO. :)

i moved from here about 8 years ago
back into OHIO

met this dude playing guitar one day beautifull 57 strat
so i invited him over to jam

the next day he come's over empty handed :?
asking where his guitar was he stated that was not his guitar
and dident work pluged up

well i asked him to go get it and we would solve the problem
which he did
when he came back with it he told me someone had did a quick switch on the pickups :o from an old Mary kay guitar :cry:

anyway as the story went on i was removeing the strings and screws
to get a better look at what was going on underneath the pickguard
all pickup wire's were cut short :x but they were the orginal ones :)
with the story still going on and me sipping my drink ( BUD ) :wink:

i waited for him to finish as i grabed my tool kit
for resoldering i told him he did it so fast he put the orginals back in :lol:
and he said what ? it took me the better part of the day to complete the wireing job which i had to do everything over

but when it was time to plug up
i couldnt wait sweetest baby i ever played
he paid me for the parts i asked for him to as a new friend
the rest is history in the makeing :\m/:

yeah i could have bought it for $300 bucks
when i frist saw it
but i just couldnt do it to a man
who had nothing but his guitar and wife and children
i then told him how much it was worth
he dont have it anymore :cry: but he has some nice replacemnet gear :)
Can someone post a pic of the difference between a V-shaped neck and a C-shaped neck look like? I'm kind of confused....
I used to have some old guitars. They are the best if they are properly repaired and set up. My oldest current is a 1968 D18 Martin. I want to go home and play it just thinking about it. Too bad I need to work. I also love Strats and have 2 in my small collection. Great guitars and very versitile.
stanbog":09888 said:
you did right although it probably hurts

i did get to play it when ever i wanted to after i fixed her up
Saddly i do miss it but have the picture of it framed on my work desk
which im sitting at Now :)

the good lord has provided me with a great Friendship for people
i do not know and blessed me with a great place to hang out
( HERE ) :)
'63-Strat":f218a said:

I found out I have two days to live and I was going to give it to you in my will man :x No more!!!


LMFAO what the hell am I going to do with a rihty strat anyways. My hands are too small to pull a Hendrix. Although I wouldnt mind robbing the neck and putting it on a lefty body. Of course than God would probably strike me down with lightening. :lol: