That thread...

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Oblivion DC
Oblivion DC
Active member
I opened a thread questioning your actions. Not to be a jerk though. I'm seriously hoping you'll leave it up, but if you need to take it down it's all good.
SgtThump":576b2 said:
Yep, the one about "Don't Buy from Rock Solid Amps!" These types of threads have been popping up on this board and others. If the poster made facts about some bad dealing he had with Derek, that's one thing and I honestly wouldn't delete that type of thread. But this poster takes it to another level with the personal attacks and that's not going to fly.

So... I deleted the thread and marked the poster as a troll.


That a boy!! That's whats cool about this place. You can seperate the assholes from someone who is just posting bullshit because he is pissed off. I for one can say that it's going to be pretty hard for anyone to badmouth Derek's business ethics.
And I still have it up in my browser - you guys do have a record of the IP it came from, right??
Oblivion DC":5a13c said:
And I still have it up in my browser - you guys do have a record of the IP it came from, right??

Most likely, however an IP is not conclusive proof of identity as proven in courts. You can change or mask your IP pretty trivially.
My feeling is that this could be beneficial to Derek's case in that it shows a pattern of activity/harassment by these people.
shredhead666":b8fed said:

Most likely, however an IP is not conclusive proof of identity as proven in courts. You can change or mask your IP pretty trivially.

All alone an IP is nothing unless it is provided by the ISP that has been allocated that IP space. If the IP points to a particular ISP that ISP can be subpoenaed for the logs of that particular IP's activities as relates to a particular plaintiff at an exact time. Used in this fashion it's pretty conclusive.
Yeah, I don't understand why this Synergy guy is pissed at Derek. It looks like the only person doing shady deals is this Mojave character. It's not Derek's fault that he sent him Peacemakers.
Human nature. He's embracing that negativity and channeling it to the wrong place. We ALL know who is the fuck-up and who is not. Annonymous posting will only make Derek's case stronger.
MitchSchaft":c7016 said:
Damn, I missed it :(.

It was just a string of angry BS, you didn't really miss much.
I hope Derek ends up owning this guys store after a court trial.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Court trial or not, Derek already won. It's not hard to sniff out the weirdos. We've known Derek for years now.
Do you think it's really Snyergy, or some other fuckstick just taking advantage of the situation. I can think of one douchebag who had something against Derek and who frequents these forums.
No clue. All I know is he's from Florida. It's nobody that's posting here.
SgtThump":2a4d8 said:

Honestly, if someone has a bad dealing with Derek, I wouldn't delete it. But that poster was obviously out to spew crap, because he's mad.

And that's why this place is great. It's honest.

That said, i could never see Derek having a bad deal and not making it right!!
In several years on HC Ive never seen anyone get an unhappy deal with Derek, & thats pretty impressive. Id have no reservations buying from the guy.