Rock Solid Amps - Slams Being Deleted??

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Oblivion DC
Oblivion DC
Active member
Just curious - why are the slams against Rock Solid Amps being deleted?
They should stay up and everyone who has had good dealings with Derek/Rock Solid Amps should post about them here. This way people would see the truth about things. One nut-job posting badness about you vs everybody else posting all the good things.

Plus with what Derek said about having a lawsuit pending against the owner of this local music store, it would be interesting to see who this IP ended up being assigned to.
Heinz5757":d1254 said:
I bought a new version 2 Engl Powerball from Derek at Rocksolid Amps about 6 months ago. Before buying I asked if the amp was in brand-new condition several times. Derek assured me it was. When the amp arrived, I immediately noticed it had finger prints all over the front control panel, and there were 4 tolex cuts on the back and front bottom edges of the amp. Also the amp had a bad buzzing noise while on.

After calling Derek, I decided to take the amp to my local tech who replace 2 preamp tubes. This solved the hum. My tech informed me however, that the 2 tubes he replced were not stock Engl tubes. They had no "Engl" logo like the others in the amp. I called Derek again to complain and he then told me that the amp was a demo and was the last he had for awhile. I told him that I had paid for a new amp, not a demo, and I even asked him several times if it was indeed new. Derek said it was brand new more than once. It was not. When I pushed the issue, he admitted it was a demo unit. Derek lied to my face. Furthermore, he refused to pay for the 2 bad preamp tubes. I eventually wound up selling the amp on ebay as a "USED" item and was glad to be done with it. When I was in my local guitar shop a few days ago, I recently found out that Derek Bernier (aka owner of RockSolid Amps) has been bad-mouthing this store on this forum. So I decided to come here and share my experience with Derek and his home business.

If your story is true then it sounds like you had a bad experience. I've never done business with Derek before, but I have read dozens of accounts from other people who have done business with Derek on this and other forums. All of those experiences were positive. Usually when a person or a business is bad there will be plenty of negative stories about them. In Derek's case I've heard lots of positive stories and one negative story (yours). Maybe you and Derek just had a rare bad transaction.

Heinz5757":d1254 said:
Some Reasons Not to Buy from RockSolid Amps:

1. Derek has no store. He does business out of his home and demos amps in a spare bedroom. He stores the amps in a warehouse. Not professional at all. Since he has no store, or vested interest in this business, what's stopping Derek from closing down tomorrow with your money?

This is a legitimate concern. It's always good to check out the people you do online business with. In Derek's case there are a lot of positive references that vouch for him, so I would feel comfortable dealing with him.

Heinz5757":d1254 said:
2. Derek has a bad temper and does not know how to talk to customers. When confronted, he resorts to name calling and threatening people with physical harm. Read his other posts on this forum.

Again, it sounds like maybe you had a rare bad experience with Derek. Maybe he isn't the the most politically correct person or maybe he isn't as tactful and some, or maybe you just got on his nerves and he had a bad reaction to you. Once again, I would weigh the positive experiences of the dozens of other people, plus Derek's reputation with the manufacturers he represents, and say that I would be comfortable doing business with him.

Heinz5757":d1254 said:
3. His house looks like a crackhouse and is in a bad part of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. The lawn is overgrown and the smell of weed hits you in your in the face as soon as you step inside. Derek himself has needle marks all over his arms he tries to hide with his tatoos.

How his house and lawn looks is irrelevant in my opinion.

If the smell of marijuana is prevalent in the house (and I don't know if it is or not) then I would think that Derek would want to address that because it might alienate some customers.

Your allegation of needle marks is a bit confusing. Did you closely inspect Derek's arms? Are you trained to detect track marks? Did Derek tell you why he got the tattoos that he has?

Derek Bernier does not have a criminal record in Florida. In my experience, most IV drug users (a) have established a criminal record by the time they are 37 years old and (b) would not be able to sustain a successful business.

I don't find this statement about track marks to be believeable, it sounds like you are trying to present Derek in a negative light because you have a problem with him.

Heinz5757":d1254 said:
4. Derek has been banned from several local music stores and has lawsuits pending against him not only for his actions on this board, but by other customers of his as well.

How do you know these things?

Heinz5757":d1254 said:
5. Obviously Derek Bernier is a psychotic and unbalanced individual. Anyone considering buying an amp from him should stay away. Rocksolid Amps is bad news. Buyers beware!

Are you a psychiatrist who has seen Derek on a professional basis?
If anything, this all has imense laugh-value.

Derek ill-tempered? Track marks? Lawsuits? I just dont believe it.
This all sounds like utter bullshit and is laughable to be honest!
Heinzs post is 100% truly and positively a crock of shit and seeing the IP address is comng from Miami and thats where Mike aka Wizard Of Ozz is from it's more than likely him.

Heinz/Mike said...
"Derek Has a bad temper and does not know how to talk to customers. When confronted, he resorts to name calling and threatening people with physical harm. Read his other posts on this forum. "

Well Mike is not a customer,never will be and yes I have made comments about him that some would find unprofessional but when clowns like him start taking shots ,spreading lies and threatening my friends , family in particular my wife I could careless about being seen as professional in my dealings with him.

The comments I made about him have really got the best of him hahaha and he evidently has teamed up with Rob at Synergy more than likely to try and tarnish my reputation and business but that cannot and will not cause both are ROCK SOLID!!!.

Derek 8)
Derek seems like a good guy to me, never met him but i've been around long enough to tell he is honest and goes out of his way to help customers and friends, that says alot. If i bought an ENGL he would be the one i'd get it from. 8)
Considering this is quite possibly the ONE AND ONLY time I've ever heard anything bad said about Derek during his many years and numerous transactions, I'd have to say it's some asshole with a grudge.

BTW, Derek, I have screen shots if you want them.
shredhead666":10427 said:
Considering this is quite possibly the ONE AND ONLY time I've ever heard anything bad said about Derek during his many years and numerous transactions, I'd have to say it's some asshole with a grudge.

BTW, Derek, I have screen shots if you want them.

Sure that would be great you can send them to

Thanks alot Paul!!

Derek 8)
GRIZ":bf60a said:
Derek seems like a good guy to me, never met him but i've been around long enough to tell he is honest and goes out of his way to help customers and friends, that says alot. If i bought an ENGL he would be the one i'd get it from. 8)

+1 Ya' Daaaaaamn right.

GRIZ":4458b said:
Derek seems like a good guy to me, never met him but i've been around long enough to tell he is honest and goes out of his way to help customers and friends, that says alot. If i bought an ENGL he would be the one i'd get it from. 8)

Thanks alot Griz and ZielGuitarist!! Im glad to hear that and if I can ever help feel free to contact me anytime.

Derek 8)
DerekB":080ec said:

Thanks alot Griz and ZielGuitarist!! Im glad to hear that and if I can ever help feel free to contact me anytime.

Derek 8)

Hey man, was that thread on HCAF by Heinz finally deleted? I don't see it anymore. If it was it's about fucking time. I've never ordered from you, but you're the first person I'd call if I was looking for an Engl :D
The bastards deleted the thread, but not before I posted his IP :P.
Derek knows he has no reason to explain himself. We know who is in the wrong.
That sure sounds like slander (libel?) if it's not true. Them's fightin' words.
DerekB":ea6dc said:
Heinzs post is 100% truly and positively a crock of shit and seeing the IP address is comng from Miami and thats where Mike aka Wizard Of Ozz is from it's more than likely him.

Heinz/Mike said...
"Derek Has a bad temper and does not know how to talk to customers. When confronted, he resorts to name calling and threatening people with physical harm. Read his other posts on this forum. "

Well Mike is not a customer,never will be and yes I have made comments about him that some would find unprofessional but when clowns like him start taking shots ,spreading lies and threatening my friends , family in particular my wife I could careless about being seen as professional in my dealings with him.

The comments I made about him have really got the best of him hahaha and he evidently has teamed up with Rob at Synergy more than likely to try and tarnish my reputation and business but that cannot and will not cause both are ROCK SOLID!!!.

Derek 8)

It's amazing that the fat fuck is still upset that you didn't help his lazy ass in from his car. I bet if someone starts a thread right now on HC about Engl gut shots that Heinz5775 would be the first one in the thread. I guess he named his screen name after ketchup because he's always eating some crap food.
The mods here are too chicken shit to handle the truth. Ban me. Like I won't be back.

MitchSchaft":41467 said:
The bastards deleted the thread, but not before I posted his IP :P.
Derek knows he has no reason to explain himself. We know who is in the wrong.

We don't ban IPs :P, but I'm guessing you're having issues viewing the site.