Music store morons : Rant

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I doubt it, but some of the smaller stores are sweating it, I'm pretty sure Jents, Tarpleys (tolziens), and Randys will be o.k.
heheheh you're so pissed you threw out the "fuckstick"!!!
Don't let those donkeys ruin your day man.
Just never take anything in there for repairs again.
And if there's a GC opening up around there soon you can expect that the store will go under and the limp dicks that work there now will be working at the GC before too much longer.
Oblivion DC":fa270 said:
heheheh you're so pissed you threw out the "fuckstick"!!!
Don't let those donkeys ruin your day man.
Just never take anything in there for repairs again.
And if there's a GC opening up around there soon you can expect that the store will go under and the limp dicks that work there now will be working at the GC before too much longer.

yeah, I know. I vow to never spend another red cent there. I just have to remember to stay the hell away. There's nothing there I need anyway. It used to be the only Mesa dealer in the area, but now all the guitar centers have them, so fuck Headache Unlimited.

There are Guitar Centers all over the place. In fact, there is one a couple miles from my house. This other place is near my work. I don't think with the saturation of GCs in my area, another will open. There are 4 in the greater Bay Area. San Francisco, El Cerrito, San Jose and Concord which is the one near me.
I went into Sam Ash last weekend asking them if they are getting any Marshall JVM's in stock and when. They gave me a blank look and said there is no such thing. I told them to check the computer and they were like, WOW it does exist. Dumbasses.
i remember i went into one of these places
and this nut was new he sold me a jackson soloist for the price of a fender strat if i remember right i spent a total of $1000 dollors in their
for about 7 thousand worth of gear

Marshall Jcm 800 w/ 4x12 cab
Jackson soloist
Randall tube head
1 of every boss pedal in stock

it took me 7 years to get the nerve to go back :lol:
gaijun":46a44 said:
i remember i went into one of these places
and this nut was new he sold me a jackson soloist for the price of a fender strat if i remember right i spent a total of $1000 dollors in their
for about 7 thousand worth of gear

Marshall Jcm 800 w/ 4x12 cab
Jackson soloist
Randall tube head
1 of every boss pedal in stock

it took me 7 years to get the nerve to go back :lol:

Way to stick it to the man. That's what they get for being stupid.

Why can't I ever get that moron. I certainly wouldn't be complaining then...
Haha, I love music store bashing threads.

I have one, but it didn't happen to me, but I overheard this conversation between a GC employee and some random customer. Dude was a complete 9 to 5 middle aged suburbanite on his lunch break...Dockers, shirt and tie, typical white collar 'merican. He wanted to buy a couple pedals. After trying them out, he goes to the counter and tells the GC employee he's ready to buy the 2 pedals, and she says "cool, man, you wana board to go with them?" He asked what she was talking about and she explined a pedalboard to him and says "Yeah, you can't play out unless you have one of these for your pedals. You can't just carry them." The guy tells her that they are Boss pedals and they take batteries and he plays in his room. She says they won't work live because he'll have to change the batteries all the time and he needs a board. So, they go to the wall of pedalboards and there are a selection of those Furman boards and a Core One witht he skulls all over it. She proceeds to show him the skull one only and says this is the one he needs. He asks about the other ones and she says they arent boards, they are bags. TO which he replies "well, it looks like a board that goes in the bag for transport." She then tell him he needs a hardcase pedalboard for shows to which he says "I play in my bedroom....And, that has skulls on it.' To which, genius GC chick says "Oh man, you don't dig skulls? I love 'em. I have them all over my Myspace page." TO which the guy says "What's Myspace?"

:huh: :gun:
again with this":cf53a said:

Way to stick it to the man. That's what they get for being stupid.

Why can't I ever get that moron. I certainly wouldn't be complaining then...

i dont know what the hell the owner hired
but the kid was simply amazing
i think the Kid and the owner had some sort of fight
probably about working or the pay

and he just said screw it :roll: