Windows Vista.......yes or no????

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Somehow, I think you're gonna stick to fansubs even after you read like 5 books on Japanese. :lol: So, 220 is the end of the filler? The whole "bounto" arc was boring as shit to me, so I didn't even attempt to watch the lame-ass Naruto fillers. Actually, I think I'm still on like epi 80. I gotta go back and start watching it again since the fillers stopped. I deleted everything after 135 since 136 is when fillers started. :P
Code001":c88c8 said:
Somehow, I think you're gonna stick to fansubs even after you read like 5 books on Japanese. :lol: So, 220 is the end of the filler? The whole "bounto" arc was boring as shit to me, so I didn't even attempt to watch the lame-ass Naruto fillers. Actually, I think I'm still on like epi 80. I gotta go back and start watching it again since the fillers stopped. I deleted everything after 135 since 136 is when fillers started. :P

Yep, 220 is the end of the filler. Naruto finally sets off with Jiraiya on his training. That ep also ties up the last filler arc (starting with 216 if I'm not mistaken).
I'm on epi 81. That nub with the eye, his brother, is back and is owning up the other shinobis. I have a feeling, there will be another 20 episodes on 1 guy dying, like the last little story that we saw. :oops:
Telephant":159ff said:

VLC gimps out on me when I try and fast forward through a video, it will get this pixilated silver thing happening and I have to wait for the vid to clear up and go back to normal.

Im using this version:
You guys are watching way too much porn me thinks. Macs don't like that :D
Digital Jams":034d2 said:
Thanks guys, been thinking and I am going to use XP for now. this machine will not even be on the internet anyways and I will be disabling most functions to free up resourses.

Vista does look slick but I need stable :)
FWIW I've been running XP MC on my lap top and have added Vista Ultimate as a dual boot. The biggest issue is that a lot of the softwares I use aren't really Vista ready. That said Cubase 4 and Sequoia 9.1 behave perfectly well on it.
Code001":1cf87 said:

The thing is, OS X really isn't a true Unix. It's a hybrid. I've never seen a plug-in that lets VLC play WMV (but I have one for Quicktime). I never had ANY issues with .cue files in over 3 years of using OS X.

It's based off BSD. I'm not sure how that isn't a true Unix. Regardless of it's pedigree, it should KILL with a -9.
It's still a hybrid. There are 3 reasons why a kill -9 will NOT work:

1. Zombies. The program is technically dead, but the main process faild to acknowledge its death.
2. Waiting for unavailable NFS resources
3. Waiting for devices to complete and operation
So OS X has problems? Things don't close all the way? It crashes?

My, that sounds just like....oh, I don't know..

Code001":39c46 said:
It's still a hybrid. There are 3 reasons why a kill -9 will NOT work:

1. Zombies. The program is technically dead, but the main process faild to acknowledge its death.
2. Waiting for unavailable NFS resources
3. Waiting for devices to complete and operation
Code's right here. OS X has a BSD basis's not purely BSD based.
-=MYK=-":f500c said:
So OS X has problems? Things don't close all the way? It crashes?

My, that sounds just like....oh, I don't know..


OMG! A Suhr broke a string?!?!?! OMG! That sounds like something a Squier would do!!!!!!
CoachZ":c00c8 said:
Code's right here. OS X has a BSD basis's not purely BSD based.

That's fine that it's not pure BSD. But even Windows kills my hung apps MUCH better then OSX. I'm just saying that it's completely surprising being that it's based on Unix. All the apps that I develop are on NFS netapp mounts and I've never had a problem killing my jobs. We are using RH-WS3 and SunOs 5.8 and 5.10. Zombies also shouldn't keep my OS from shutting down because once they are zombies they no longer hold resources.

My point was simply that I was surprised that
a) OS X didn't kill my apps
b) Win XP was better at killing my apps
When I use OS X, it's the exact opposite where I have a thread that will not die down and require being shut down which I have experienced on XP.
CoachZ":c18fc said:
When I use OS X, it's the exact opposite where I have a thread that will not die down and require being shut down which I have experienced on XP.

+1 I have both OS X and XP. The XP has experienced far more hang-ups than OS X has ever had to face. That's been my experience. I can remember ever single crash my G4 has had where I was forced to physically shut it down. I've owned the CPU for 3+ years too. I can't even begin the times I had to yank the damn battery out of my PC just to get it to even turn off, and I've only owned that for a little over a year. I'm not arguing superiority either, just experience. defpearlpilot, your experience has been different. I was just trying to help you figure out why it occurs and help you to prevent it.
Code001":feef5 said:

+1 I have both OS X and XP. The XP has experienced far more hang-ups than OS X has ever had to face. That's been my experience. I can remember ever single crash my G4 has had where I was forced to physically shut it down. I've owned the CPU for 3+ years too. I can't even begin the times I had to yank the damn battery out of my PC just to get it to even turn off, and I've only owned that for a little over a year. I'm not arguing superiority either, just experience. defpearlpilot, your experience has been different. I was just trying to help you figure out why it occurs and help you to prevent it.

On average, OS X may be better at it. My only samples are my three XP machines and my MacPro. If I had a couple more Macs, which I DO want to get, then it may even out.
defpearlpilot":23a0a said:

On average, OS X may be better at it. My only samples are my three XP machines and my MacPro. If I had a couple more Macs, which I DO want to get, then it may even out.
Maybe it just is the implementation of NFS that's causing your issue? Anyways...
Still so far so good with me...sorta. I couldn't get cakewalk installed on my new system, hmm? I installed N-track studio instead and it seems to be working fine except i'm getting very little input volume for the mics, i gotta crank the levels and when i do that i get alot of unwanted hiss and stuff??? I don't understand it?
Just found this on a British car site. I thought it was funny so I decided to post it:

anomaly":8734a said:
Still so far so good with me...sorta. I couldn't get cakewalk on my new system with it, hmm? I installed N-track studio instead and it seems to be working fine except i'm getting very little input volume for the mics, i gotta crank the levels and when i do that i get alot of unwanted hiss and stuff??? I don't understand it?

What you might want to do is record it at a low volume and bring the entire track volume up later with another program. That's what I do, personally.
anomaly":4f931 said:
Still so far so good with me...sorta. I couldn't get cakewalk installed on my new system, hmm? I installed N-track studio instead and it seems to be working fine except i'm getting very little input volume for the mics, i gotta crank the levels and when i do that i get alot of unwanted hiss and stuff??? I don't understand it?

What kind of interface do you have? Sounds like a driver issue. Be sure you're using ASIO drivers in N-Track, and be sure they're the newest version. Check the options or preferences or whatever they happen to call it and be sure there's nothing weird there.

Code001":4f931 said:
Just found this on a British car site. I thought it was funny so I decided to post it:

Haha wtf why does some stuff cost so much more over there?!?