Not one...but two new Caparisons!

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Whoredom taken to all new heights!!!

Mark you're a shining example for us all. Keep up the good work!!! :lol:
Telephant":064dc said:
Whoredom taken to all new heights!!!

Mark you're a shining example for us all. Keep up the good work!!! :lol:

Not a problem, will do. :D
Very Cool Mark. Both are nice. But Wasn't the one you just sold similar to the dillenger?
Slaytallica":c59e6 said:
Very Cool Mark. Both are nice. But Wasn't the one you just sold similar to the dillenger?

Yeah it was, I got a good price on it though. :)
Megadeth7684":d5e8c said:
I've never got two guitars on the same day...but now I have! :o :lol:

Angelus PLM-1

Dellinger HGS

Get 2 girls in one day and I'll be impressed.
Megadeth7684":44a1d said:

Yeah it was, I got a good price on it though. :)

Hey Deals are always great.

Enjoy them bro. And try to hold on to them for a while please. :roll: :wink: :lol:
The Angelus is the old Pete Lesperance signature model. Awesome guitarist, very melodic. 8)
why do all Caparison guitars posted by Mega look like new? are they getting played at all or are they just being passed between gear whores for a "reasonable price"?
:? :D

congrats dude! the black Dellinger looks obercool (i LOVE the fact that it has no inlays).
Mega has you all fooled. You all think he's a college student who plays guitar, when he's actually a small time Caparison dealer.

Look up Megadeth7684 on the BBB!
Let me're going to defile that poor Angelus by ripping out the EMG's for passives.... :roll: :(

That thing rules the way it is.... :x :evil: 8)
It's funny the reputation Vigier has in the US. Here in France where they are made, noone wants them. You can find them used for cheap all day long. I find they do sound sterile and soulless usually... Ugly too. The only interesting thing they do is the surfretter thingy with the metal fretless fretboard, even though it's damn ugly. :)
Hey Mark if you have to bastardize either of those the Dellinger would look AWESOME with all black harware!!!!! :D