Should I be pissed? Eurotubes transaction

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I bought a set of JJ tubes from Bob at Eurotubes for my Single Recto. I've bought maybe...I dunno....6 sets from him in the past few years for different amps.

Anyway when I got this last set from him I first followed his instructions per his little insert in the box regarding cleaning the tube sockets. So I did that and inserted the tubes pre and power (E-34L's). Well they sounded great for a few minutes.....however the volume started fluctuating up and down. So I shut the amp down and re-seated the tubes. Same problem occurred. So I pulled the 34-L's and inserted the stock Mesa 6L6's. Problem gone.

So I called Eurotubes and his associate Jay and I go through what had occurred. So Jay consults with Bob and they tell me to send the 34's back and they say they'll send me a new pair. No big deal...fine so I send them back.

Anyway I get a call from Bob yesterday when I having lunch. He's like "hey I got the tubes back and they have no issues. Can you please tell me why we had to waste the postage and send you another pair of tubes?" Kind of sirly in his tone. He caught me off guard and I merely explained the whole thing over again and I apologized.....but I wasn't lying in what happened one iota.

I guess I'm just blown away that he would call me so seemingly pissed over 4 bucks in postage or whatever. It wasn't like I was trying to decieve them and I have been a loyal customer with zero issues up until this. I think perhaps Bob just lost me as a customer over this chicken shit phone call. Am I wrong in this thinking? :(
Find another supplier.....I don't think Bob should have reacted that way if he expects to keep your business. No biggie, there are lots of great tube suppliers out there.
Sounds pretty fucking rude to me, especially considering the fact that you've ordered tubes before from them. The fact that he actually went out of his way to call you back and bitch at you is even worse.
PoPSkuLL":b9e51 said:
100 posts.......whoo hooo....(cracks open a diet pepsi).

LOL I'm drinking a Diet Pepsi.....I think you're right....I am a very mellow non-complainer......I was very cordial and cool headed when I called them about the issue....I was actually agreeable to have them send me just one tube....crazy reaction...
Inearthed":efd32 said:
Sounds pretty fucking rude to me, especially considering the fact that you've ordered tubes before from them. The fact that he actually went out of his way to call you back and bitch at you is even worse.

Thing is too.....I haven't even recieved these replacements that he supposedly sent me....I just went out and got some GT EL-34M's.....they sound great....
I would be pretty upset. Thats a very unprofessional thing to do, no matter if you had lied (and i know you didn't, and would never think you did, I'm just making a point) or not.
CaseyCor":02fe5 said:
I would be pretty upset. Thats a very unprofessional thing to do, no matter if you had lied (and i know you didn't, and would never think you did, I'm just making a point) or not.

LOL I'm tempted to send him 5 bucks and tell him to have a nice life.... :roll: Like he would care I guess.... :oops:
ive heard of this happening before. someone will have a problem, theyll get the tubes back and say they are fine and bitch about why they had to pay money to have them shipped back.

wtf? talk about crap customer service. you dont wanna piss your customers off, cuz theyll just find another business to deal with. in a restaurant youre told "the customer is always right!", which isnt the case. many times they are wrong, but its your job to make them happy no matter what. if the customer is right (such as you are in this case!) its Bob's job to make you happy so youll come back and purchase more tubes.

id stop doing business with him personally.
shred-o-holic":214ed said:

LOL I'm tempted to send him 5 bucks and tell him to have a nice life.... :roll: Like he would care I guess.... :oops:
With the way he acted, that wouldn't even be worth it IMO. He doesn't deserve the $5 bucks :lol: :P
Bob 'aint the only game in town. I wouldn't do business with anybody who took an accusitory tone with me. Especially, if the situation is as you describe. Repeat customer, original tubes work fine... Hmmm.

Maybe, just maybe... If the 6L6s worked fine, the EL34 setting on your recto may have a problem. I know it isn't much, but there is some different circutry involved... Have you tested with other EL34s?

There's always Doug's tubes...

But, I'd say if you get "bad" EL34s from Doug too, you owe Bob an appology.

That and I have never heard of a "34-L" tube. Are you sure you know of what you speak brother?
Personally, I dig Doug's Tubes better anyway. Always heard good thing about him!
again with this":fa352 said:
Bob 'aint the only game in town. I wouldn't do business with anybody who took an accusitory tone with me. Especially, if the situation is as you describe. Repeat customer, original tubes work fine... Hmmm.

Maybe, just maybe... If the 6L6s worked fine, the EL34 setting on your recto may have a problem. I know it isn't much, but there is some different circutry involved... Have you tested with other EL34s?

There's always Doug's tubes...

But, I'd say if you get "bad" EL34s from Doug too, you owe Bob an appology.

That and I have never heard of a "34-L" tube. Are you sure you know of what you speak brother?

They are the 30 watt EL-34.......Groove Tubes calls them the LS I believe. You can check Bob's website LOL here I am plugging his site. I actually did apologize to him when he called.......he was the one more pissed then me LOL....I was never accusatory from the get-go... :roll: :?
I have only dealt with Doug and it was a first class transaction. Real nice, "real" guy. I highly reccomend.Never heard a bad word about Doug.

That said, Never heard a bad word about Bob either, before this.
shred-o-holic":f38ea said:

They are the 30 watt EL-34.......Groove Tubes calls them the LS I believe. You can check Bob's website LOL here I am plugging his site. I actually did apologize to him when he called.......he was the one more pissed then me LOL....I was never accusatory from the get-go... :roll: :?

I meant no offense. Just trying to be sure you were sure. You know?

He sent you new tubes? Did they work?
again with this":1e406 said:
Bob 'aint the only game in town. I wouldn't do business with anybody who took an accusitory tone with me. Especially, if the situation is as you describe. Repeat customer, original tubes work fine... Hmmm.

Maybe, just maybe... If the 6L6s worked fine, the EL34 setting on your recto may have a problem. I know it isn't much, but there is some different circutry involved... Have you tested with other EL-34's?

That and I have never heard of a "34-L" tube. Are you sure you know of what you speak brother?

Yeah like I mentioned I'm running Groove Tubes EL-34M's and am having no probs and they sound great......the E-34L has about 10-15% more bottom end than a stock 34 supposedly..
again with this":68126 said:

I meant no offense. Just trying to be sure you were sure. You know?

He sent you new tubes? Did they work?

Haven't got em yet offense taken at all.... 8)