Should I be pissed? Eurotubes transaction

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The rudeness was totally unnecessary.

Use Doug's Tubes from now on, that's what I would do.

Bob is a dick. JJ tubes blow ass compared to other tubes anyway. The only half-decent thing they have are their preamp tubes, and even they aren't that wonderful....
his willingness to take care of it would've made me call him for my next set of tubes

the way he acted about doing so would make me look elsewhere

altho most of what i hear has been good, i've heard some mixed things about's been enough to make me go elsewhere for my tube needs
Code001":5e591 said:
Bob is a dick. JJ tubes blow ass compared to other tubes anyway. The only half-decent thing they have are their preamp tubes, and even they aren't that wonderful....

I actually like their power amp tubes and hate JJ preamp tubes, but to each his own.

Only thing I can think of is that some people tried to scam Bob in the past for tubes and so he is sensitive on the subject. So he may have assumed you are your another scammer, still doesn't make his action right.

I have had good luck with Mike at A little pricier than Doug's Tubes, but has a nice selection of NOS tubes if you have the coin. I have had good luck with Mike in the past.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why the hell would you bitch out the customer AFTER giving them good service? If this went down the way it was described (which I'm sure it did) then Bob is suffering some sort of mental breakdown.

I'm not saying either way would be right, but it would make more sense to argue with the customer BEFORE sending tubes out. Once he sent the tubes out, he should have kept his mouth shut, retested the tubes and went on. Why the hell would someone want to mess with shipping tubes back anyways? I used to do warranty work on apple computers, and sometimes you'd have intermittent issues. But I never knew of any customer that enjoyed taking their system apart and leaving it with us. They only did that because there was a problem. Nobody is going to leave their amp without tubes and wait extra time just for the hell of it... SOMETHING had to have been wrong, and Bob should have realized it.

I like Lord Valve, but have had good dealings with doug also.

Well.......irregardless if I get the replacements I'm thinking about getting some KT-77's......sounds like Doug is the man.....I live in Cali so Bob was close and convenient....but I can wait an extra day or so for better service...
Code001":ae2f8 said:
Bob is a dick. JJ tubes blow ass compared to other tubes anyway. The only half-decent thing they have are their preamp tubes, and even they aren't that wonderful....
Agree totally. I will never use JJ power tubes again. The last couple sets I have gotten (not from Bob, from my supplier) have had a "rattle" in them and are microphonic as hell. You can hear the standby switch "clink" when you flick it, and it is not the pre tubes...The last couple years I have moved on to SED EL34's and even the EH tubes are pretty damn good, I have had zero probs with those in my experience.

As far as his customer service goes, that is wack as hell and after he rfunded my money he would never hear from me again. :butthead:
i've used JJ power tubes in all of my amps with no problems...i only really liked them in my 5150 tho
shred-o-holic":aed6f said:

LOL I'm tempted to send him 5 bucks and tell him to have a nice life.... :roll: Like he would care I guess.... :oops:

That's what I would do. Send him an envelope with a $5 bill and a little message that says, "...and so another customer switches to Dougs Tubes. Hope it was worth it bigboy."

donbarzini":23dcd said:
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!


shred-o-holic":75510 said:
I bought a set of JJ tubes from Bob at Eurotubes for my Single Recto. I've bought maybe...I dunno....6 sets from him in the past few years for different amps.

Anyway when I got this last set from him I first followed his instructions per his little insert in the box regarding cleaning the tube sockets. So I did that and inserted the tubes pre and power (E-34L's). Well they sounded great for a few minutes.....however the volume started fluctuating up and down. So I shut the amp down and re-seated the tubes. Same problem occurred. So I pulled the 34-L's and inserted the stock Mesa 6L6's. Problem gone.

So I called Eurotubes and his associate Jay and I go through what had occurred. So Jay consults with Bob and they tell me to send the 34's back and they say they'll send me a new pair. No big deal...fine so I send them back.

Anyway I get a call from Bob yesterday when I having lunch. He's like "hey I got the tubes back and they have no issues. Can you please tell me why we had to waste the postage and send you another pair of tubes?" Kind of sirly in his tone. He caught me off guard and I merely explained the whole thing over again and I apologized.....but I wasn't lying in what happened one iota.

I guess I'm just blown away that he would call me so seemingly pissed over 4 bucks in postage or whatever. It wasn't like I was trying to decieve them and I have been a loyal customer with zero issues up until this. I think perhaps Bob just lost me as a customer over this chicken shit phone call. Am I wrong in this thinking? :(

Give Lord Valve a call.
luke978":1c69a said:
I re-tubbed my B-52 last year, before I sold it. I asked him about bias voltage suggestions, and he recomended some insanely high number. I asked him if he was sure about that, since the manufacturer recomended a much lower number.

He got all asshole-ish about me questioning his judgement and wasting his time. That was the first and last $120 of my money he'll ever see.

Oh, and his time is apparently EXTREMELY valuable and important.

By the way, some folks have ruined their shit on his bias voltage suggestions for an AT-100. Alegedly.

That and the shit with Peavey...

Me thinking Bob @ Eurotubes is an American "Fab"...

Hmm... Bob...Rob....I think I'm onto something...
I once bought JJ's from Bob and had them installed in my 2210. two months later my 2210 stops working. They were E34L's and JJ preamp tubes...

I havent used Bob since. I dont know what I was thinking trusting some Dwight Yokem lookin' muthafucka... :lol:
shred-o-holic":8e9f5 said:

Doug sounds great.....visited his web site.....who is Lord Valve....and does he have a site?

Not like Doug's....

Call him - he's closer to you too...

I recommend Doug for the east coasters, lord valve for the west coasters.

Me, I order from either one - though Lord Valve gets points becuase of his "Tubes for Victory" logo on the invoice.

kannibul":67b79 said:

Not like Doug's....

Call him - he's closer to you too...

I recommend Doug for the east coasters, lord valve for the west coasters.

Me, I order from either one - though Lord Valve gets points becuase of his "Tubes for Victory" logo on the invoice.


Cool thanks.....I just emailed a "cats only" request... :)