Cameron clip

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Rufus Leaking
Rufus Leaking
Well-known member
I took Argonaut4's awesome Cameron track and laid down some leads with one of my own high gain Jose modded Marshall's. I threw in some horrible bass playing as well :)

Nice tone. Total 80s metal. How are those Camerons at new metal? Marshalls seem to be stuck in the 80s to me - even the JVM which has tons of gain and 'resonance control' but still sounds 80s metal to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that.... :D
Damn Randy that sounded awesome!!!

So which Camerons do you own now? I think i remember you saying you had a couple Jose's? I still have my Aldrich and love the thing to death :)

I have said it before and i will say it again. I love your lead work Randy. You rip man and have great phrasing.
Rufus Leaking":419b0 said:
I took Argonaut4's awesome Cameron track and laid down some leads with one of my own high gain Jose modded Marshall's. I threw in some horrible bass playing as well :)


DId you EQ the lead and rhythm tones that mcuh different from eachother? Sounds great.
This spring we have to call Len up and have a get together so we can check that Cameron stash out!

Sounds great!
That's awesome man. Great lead and rhythm tones and excellent playing too! I'd love to hear one of those modded Marshalls do some heavier shit. Even just Metallica type stuff.
yo rufus what are the specs on you cameron mod? single channel 2 channel? high gain jose . low, oceans? Whatever it is bro It's the BOMB
Man, these Cameron modded amps sound cool. Great playing!!
Thanks guys - for anyone that's wondering, that clip was just a late 70's JMP with Mark's high gain Jose mod straight in. Some verb and delay added at the board. An E609 and SM-57 on V30's. Recorded at TV levels - you could talk over these tracks if you were in the room.
Very tasty playing! I love that Cameron sound. I gots to find me one of them sometime...